Fcc and Vanity(delete if not interested)

ramirezk at emi.com ramirezk at emi.com
Sun Oct 6 10:31:49 EDT 1996

    To all of you complaining about the FCC and vanity 
        What mess are you referring to? The FCC is doing it the 
fairest way possible under the circumstances. Just because they 
fouled up your plans of being there first with all those prepaid 
applications doesn't mean that they have done a disservice to 
the rest of us. If my new callsign request is processed first 
I'll be happy. If it is the LAST 610-v to be acted upon I'll be 
happy. If I don't get a callsign change period,oh well. The FCC 
 also said that they wouldn't accept any applications delivered 
before the 23rd of September. You found a loophole and delivered 
them on the 21st. Apparently this little FCC bend of their own 
rules and stipulations wasn't a problem. Don't be selective in 
your rules bending finger pointing. Let them do their job and 
stop pissing them off. You have your 1x2 call. Let the process 
continue and let us all try to get ours. Remember, this whole 
vanity thing is a privilege not a legal right. Privileges can be 
revoked.     Have a good day. Ken KP4XS

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