MFJ-432 Voice Keyer

jg4clv at jg4clv at
Tue Oct 8 14:05:11 EDT 1996

silver>Dear friends,
silver>I intend to purchase a voice memory keyer for the upcoming contests and I am thinking about the MFJ-432 Voice Me
mory Keyer, the reason is: I can use it with my TS850 or my FT757GXII, either one. 
silver>However I concern about the product's quality. I'd like to receive some notes about this MFJ product.
silver>and cu on the CQWW (SSB and CW)
silver>Carlos - PY1CAS
silver>E-mail: silver at

hi silver

I report about MFJ-432.
First, it is practical sufficiently in the very much natural timbre.
The body has a connector for the message.
I made small remote box using it.
It is the switch of the repeat, a volume in the repeat interval in addition to the button of the message to it.
, Then, it put the volume of the input level.
It is possible for the dry battery of 9v to work the body in addition to 12v$B!<(Bdc.
However, as for it, only the 24-hour degree comes by the running.
The microphone connector can choose yaesu, icom, kenwood by the janper setting inside.
The problem is in the repeat switch.
It stops after a message is once transmitted already when cutting a repeat switch during transmission of the message.
There is a way of putting a short-blank message in this and making this kill-switch, too, but it doesn't practicality w
hitch  need  2-action, which lets out a short-circuiting blank which cuts a switch of the repeat of reception's breakin
g off among very short time.
It thinks that the fundamental reorganization around the timer IC is necessary.
Doesn't it know a concrete improvement plan about whom it is about this?

Please to direct me if there is an other question


Kaz JG4CLV   /JA3ZOH        <<<jg4clv at>>>

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