November CQ Contest arrives/TS570 ad

Fri Oct 18 12:01:17 EDT 1996

I had taken the day off to do some post-Fran/pre-contest antenna work, so
made an early morning stop by the PO Box today and found the November issue
of CQ Contest.

The front cover has a nice shot of GW4BLE's antennas and home covered by

There is a full page ad on the inside back cover of Kenwood's new TS570D rig.
 A quick call to HRO found that they are already in stock at $1570.

Feature articles:  Expanded 95 CQWW CW Results; The BCC Preselector (receiver
IMD improvement); Tips on Multi-Single Station Design for the CQ WW Contest;
and What 5 Watts Can Do (QRP CW in 95 CQWW).

Regular departments:  Antennas for Contesting - 160 meter antennas; Contest
Breakdown - Multiplier roundup for 95 CQ WW CW Contest, getting ready for 96;
 Operating Techniques - CQWW CW tactics and fun; SWL World News - CQ WPX SWL
Challenge results; Monthly Collectible - World All Time SSB Zone Leaders; VHF
Contest Forum - Goals and Objectives; and Continental Countdown - 62 Hours on
the Orkney Islands. 

Good luck in the CQ WW Contest.

73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
henrypol at

>From mudcp3 at (David C. Patton)  Fri Oct 18 16:25:53 1996
From: mudcp3 at (David C. Patton) (David C. Patton)
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 10:25:53 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: HC8N CQWW SSB M/S
Message-ID: <199610181525.KAA13574 at>

In the upcoming WW SSB test, HC8N will be a M/S entry by WN4KKN,
WX3N, VE3EJ, and HC1OT.  We may not be as "power impaired" as in the

I have been trying to reason why a M/S might be easier for everyone
to work as compared to a single op effort by the likes of N6KT or
KKN.  I think my answer is "not very much easier!"  As M/S we will be
CQing in the same places at the same times.  But, we will be a little
fresher mentally op to op, so that will help.  Some of us MAY sleep a
little (a whole lot if we lose a generator).  

The added advantage goes to the stations outside the US that CQ a
lot.  If you are DX, and like to CQ, chances are we will make your
contest easier and even more exciting by calling you!  Please don't
be afraid to CQ on the low bands.  We hear well.  We find stuff well.
You can even call CQ HC8 and we will probably call you!  

If you are in the US, well, you will be quite privileged and lucky if
we call you!  So, to help, look for us on 160 around 1.840 generally
CQing on the half hour between 0600Z - 1100Z.  Find us on 75 anytime
during the night.  We may be operating split.  For JA we will make
special attempts to listen split--especially around 3752.

On 40 meters, 20 meters, 15 meters, and 10 meters, we will be so easy
to work that this sentence is all I need to write.

Do not be frustrated by packet pile-ups.  We will be around all
weekend.  Don't feel you have to get right in there and battle for a
QSO.  15 minutes after you hear the pile-up, come back and make us a
one-call QSO.  All this doesn't apply when we are on 160 looking for

Oh yeah, we talk as fast as we send.    QSLs exclusively to AA5BT.

Good luck to all!

73, Dave Patton
WX3N at

>From dbr at (David B. Ritchie)  Fri Oct 18 17:30:28 1996
From: dbr at (David B. Ritchie) (David B. Ritchie)
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 09:30:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: FJ5AB Active for CQWW-SSB
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.961018092811.20653A-100000 at alumni>

We will be active as a M/S entry from the Island of St. Barthelemy in the 
Caribbean.  Call is FJ5AB.  QSL information will be posted later.  Ops 
(so far) are N6DLU, N6LL, FJ5AB and some others.  We should be active all 
bands.  Hope to work you all!

Dave Ritchie   N6DLU                            818-683-8800 (w)
dbr at                          818-683-8900 (FAX)

>From tree at (Larry Tyree)  Fri Oct 18 18:11:17 1996
From: tree at (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 10:11:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: CW Sprint Logs
Message-ID: <199610181711.KAA23184 at>

The following stations had significant scores in the September
CW Sprint.  If you sent your log to me and appear on this list,
then please contact me ASAP.  Otherwise, if you can produce
your log in electronic format before Monday next week, I can
still probably include it in the results.

73 Tree N?TR
tree at

List of missing logs with over 100 QSOs reported:

        K1DG worked 190 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        WW2Y worked 178 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       AA3HM worked 132 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       K3ONW worked 105 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        KE3Q worked 186 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        KT3Y worked 170 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       AB5LX worked 108 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        N5DU worked 149 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       K5YAA worked 172 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        WK6V worked 112 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       W6MVW worked 159 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K2MM worked 164 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       AA7NH worked 118 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        NN7L worked 136 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       AA7VB worked 100 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       W8KIC worked 101 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       AA8UG worked 138 stations but didn't send in a log!!
      WD8AUB worked 102 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K3JT worked 138 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        KO9Y worked 150 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K0RF worked 203 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       K0DEQ worked 152 stations but didn't send in a log!!
      VE7AHA worked 120 stations but didn't send in a log!!
   XE1/AA6RX worked 107 stations but didn't send in a log!!

PS: I will probably be on in the SS CW from Louisana - but I am not sure
if the station owner applied for a new callsign or not.  So, if you
hear a LOUD station from Louisana, please work me.  If you hear a 
semi-loud station - it still might be me with the antenna pointing
a different direction - so work me.  Also, if I am weak, it might be
because the filaments on the final are warming up, so work me just
to be sure.  See you on all six bands!!

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