There is hope yet...

kony at kony at
Mon Oct 28 11:16:41 EST 1996

To: n6ig at (Jim Pratt)
Fcc: $BAw?.(B
Subject: Re: There is hope yet...
In-reply-to: Your message of "Sun, 27 Oct 1996 17:22:07 -0800 (PST)"
             <Pine.3.89.9610271719.A3887-0100000 at netcom18>
From: kony at
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 11:20:34 +0900

Hi Jim

   I do not join with this opening . Very disappoint. 
Because I have to QRT by 10/27 08z and I have to go to our bussiness until 23:45z.
  I see Jim, N6IG's dx spot  on our cluster network before leave from my house.

I worked some W6 stasions at 00z 10/27. Only get the multi.
 Want to join with this BIG OPENING this morning........................

Kony JH9VSF  

kony at

>I got on the CQWW for the last couple of hours, and was very surprised to 
>find a 10 meter direct path opening to JA at 23Z.  Some signals were 20 
>to 30 dB over S9, although most were in the noise.  Worked about 100 
>stations in about 45 minutes.  So, perhaps things are looking up.
>73 and good CONTESTING!
>Jim  N6IG
>                                             n6ig at
------- $B$3$3$^$G$,E>Aw%a%C%;!<%8(B

>From silver at (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)  Mon Oct 28 03:14:42 1996
From: silver at (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 01:14:42 -0200
Subject: submit log via e-mail
Message-ID: <199610280314.BAA12317 at>

>Hi California,
>having seen all the bad fires in your area and knowing about your ecological
>awareness,  I wonder if we can help Carlos, PY1CAS in preserving Amazon forests
>together with the rest of under-developed world which happends to be connected
>to Internet and eventually may reach
>I am sure W6QHS will find funds to cover the cost of local printing IF needed!
>73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
>P.S.  It is a real pleasure to work with DL2DN, KT1N, N8BJQ email log checkers
>N6AA did a great job during WRTC including the conversion of my non-USA format

I'd like to understand this message, perhaps my english is not good enough! Contests and forests? I really don't understand. Is it a forest help reflector?

Carlos - PY1CAS

>From silver at (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)  Mon Oct 28 03:59:01 1996
From: silver at (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 01:59:01 -0200
Subject: AL80B probs in CQWW
Message-ID: <199610280359.BAA14567 at>

Hi all,

Two hours before the end of CQWW, my amplifier damaged. My first try with my all brand new AL80B. It runs cool but.....

Now, the grid current meter goes below zero and the plate curent meter goes to 250ma. The tubes starts to become red and there is no RF going out. It happens in a intermitent way, in other words the amp works fine and suddenly the problem comes up.

It was a bad experience to stay barefoot and loose good multipliers but I really had fun in my second CQWW SSB. 

Next time I'll not save my money and will buy something better with one KW (the maximum power allowed in PY land).


Carlos - PY1CAS

>From desmith at Telalink.Net (Doug Smith)  Mon Oct 28 04:12:34 1996
From: desmith at Telalink.Net (Doug Smith) (Doug Smith)
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 22:12:34 -0600 (CST)
Subject: The negative effects of packet on S/O Unass.
Message-ID: <199610280412.WAA03699 at>

At 09:51 AM 10/27/96 -0500, you wrote:
>The only way to treat those non call signers is to try and work them, request
>their call then give them your exchange...even if it is a dupe - what other
>choice are you given?  I know you have a modest station and will probably not

Hear, hear.  

For what it's worth..  Whenever I heard a station go "QRZ?" without giving
their call, I'd go ahead and call them.  About 75% of the time, they'd come
back to me.  And about 75% of those times, they were a dupe.  I find it VERY
difficult to believe the time they saved by not giving calls was greater
than the time they wasted working duplicates...

73 Doug

Douglas E. Smith  W9WI/4 		desmith at
1385 Old Clarksville Pike		(preferred for long files)
Pleasant View, TN  37146-8098 USA	       -or-
(615) 746-5205				72777.3143 at
		 			(preferred for time-critical info)

>From k9vv at (Fred Kleber K9VV)  Mon Oct 28 05:53:48 1996
From: k9vv at (Fred Kleber K9VV) (Fred Kleber K9VV)
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 23:53:48 -0600
Subject: 20 Meter Split?
Message-ID: <32744A6C.340D at>

Was surprised last weekend to hear a prominent W7 land station working split on 
20 meters during the CQ WW SSB "CONTEST".  At first I thought, how strange, but 
when I heard him work a zone 22 it started me thinking...  Might the fact that 
QRM can be so intense on 20 meters warrant split frequency SSB operation?  
Split frequency operation is already practiced on 40m & 75m, might 20m be next? 
 Afterall, I can't think of any band where "splitting 'em up" on CW (with 
justifying pile-up intensity) is commonly practiced.

Will summarize for reflector if replies are sent to me, otherwise - thanks for 
the cyberwidth Trey!

Fred Fubar, K9VV

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