N3RR SOA Musings
Bill Hider
n3rr at erols.com
Wed Oct 30 05:15:05 EST 1996
My line score in the CQWW SSB test was: 1416/131/465 = 2,380,424
I analyzed my log and found out that I "ran" non-packet putouts (eg CQs)
of 193 QSOs.
That is, of the 1416 QSOs I made, 193 of them were from calling CQ (In
8 different, distinct "runs"). The rest were from working packet
putouts or S&P. Most of the 1223 (1416 minus 193) were packet spots,
not S&P.
In fact, at one point, I had the CT rate meters at 100 just by running
packet spots.
My station is totally automated:
ICOM EX-627 antenna switch
So, when I see apacket spot in the ALT A window, I just hit CTL-RIGHT
ENTER and work the station, hit ENTER and back to CTL-RIGHT ARROW-ENTER,
That sequence was capable of 100 hours if the spots continued to come
In fact, I was amazed this weekend that upon arriving at the spot freq,
the station spotted was invariably saying "<CALLSIGN> QRZ". I'd say
that happened 80-90% of the time in the 100 hour I had on packet spots!!
That is what makes this SOA mode so neat. The technology, the new
skill, the
mechanization of your station to optimize the use of the technology. My
hardware takes only 50 milliseconds or less to switch bands and be on
new frequency. I was running a 100 hour on three bands together!!!
The best run rate I had calling CQ was a 60 QSO in 35 minutes on 15
The next was a 42 QSO in 29 minutes on 15 meters as well. Best run on
was 42 QSOs in 30 minutes. Remember, I only ran 193 stations CQing.
The breakdown was:
(Z) (Z) (min) (QSYs to packet spot
during CQ)
10/26 1142 14.257 42 1212 30 0
10/26 1410 21.237 48 1439 29 2
10/26 1510 21.331 7 1515 5 1
10/27 1234 21.252 60 1309 35 0
10/27 1416 21.285 9 1424 8 0
10/27 1509 21.321 21 1522 13 0
10/27 2137 14.247 3 2138 1 0
10/27 2142 14.278 7 2151 9 1
Total = 197
Minus packet jumps - 4
Total CQ QSOs = 193
Different skills apply to this technology so that I can't say this
can be compared to SO, M/S, or M/M. It has traits similar to each, but
is too unique in its application of the technology that I don't want to
see it lumped into a generic multi or single operator class. It's
If your station hardware is optimized to use all of the available rules
for the class, it's truly unique. AND it's a new feeling!! A super HIGH
by seeing all of your design, implementation, and operating skills come
I'd say that it combines the "assistance" of others spotting for you,
but without the availablity of others to take over the operating
position (as can be done in M/S or M/M), with the combination of new
skills to provide maximum efficiency (my definition of efficiency, of
course) of the station through technology.
Sure, a single op with a terrific antenna system, no automation, good
skills and monitoring only one packet spot (and not even working it) can
win (or beat out other less equipped but more automated SOAs) the SOA
catagory. But, to me, that's not the fun of it.
I know that some think that the use of automation is "less than hamming"
or similar comments. I, of course, grew up with a homebrew 6L6
transmitter and S-38E rcvr in the early 60's. Had wire antennas for
many years, then verticals, etc. Now, I've latched onto the integration
of PC and switching/automation technology into the hobby and it's REALLY
I have a lot more to say about this catagory (SOA), but it'll wait for
another time. Looking forward to others' thoughts.
Bill, N3RR
>From AD1C at tiac.net (Jim Reisert AD1C) Wed Oct 30 04:28:57 1996
From: AD1C at tiac.net (Jim Reisert AD1C) (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 96 00:28:57 -0400
Subject: MASTER.DTA for ARRL SS updated 30 October 1996
Message-ID: <199610300529.AAA01809 at mailnfs0.tiac.net>
I uploaded a new MASTER.DTA that has only US (and possessions) and VE
callsigns. This is useful for ARRL SS, or ARRL DX from the DX side. It
has 8351 callsigns, which appeared at least 10 times in the dataset I
The file sizes are:
MASUSVE.ZIP 94,375 bytes
MASTER.DTA 210,631 bytes
Note that the .ZIP archive will unpack a file called MASTER.DTA - this may
over-write any old MASTER.DTA you have, so save the old one first!
You can get the file several ways:
FTP: ftp://boss.databook.com/AD1C/masusve.zip [east coast
ftp://ftp.jzap.com/pub/ct-files/masusve.zip [west coast
E-mail: send message to ct-user-REQUEST at databook.com
In the body of the message put the command:
GET masusve.uue
GET uud.com
uud.com is a program to UUdecode a file, if you don't already have
Please note that this address is *temporary* until VE7TCP server
is fixed.
Also note that there is *no* CT-USER reflector at this address,
just a file server.
Please contact me with any questions or problems.
73 - Jim AD1C
Jim Reisert <AD1C at tiac.net> http://www.tiac.net/users/ad1c/
>From radio at rn3qo.voronezh.su (Sergey Popov) Wed Oct 30 05:50:08 1996
From: radio at rn3qo.voronezh.su (Sergey Popov) (Sergey Popov)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 96 08:50:08 +0300
Subject: CONTEST's
Message-ID: <ABGokToWb2 at rn3qo.voronezh.su>
Please help with results of:
>From radio at rn3qo.voronezh.su (Sergey Popov) Wed Oct 30 05:47:41 1996
From: radio at rn3qo.voronezh.su (Sergey Popov) (Sergey Popov)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 96 08:47:41 +0300
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <AAzlkToWb2 at rn3qo.voronezh.su>
I have a lot of rules of Russian awards.
I am awards hunter.But i can't look to you in WWW at this time.
Also I haven't a lot of money to buy your book,because I am a student
of Voronezh state university and I receive only 10$us at month.
I will send to you rules of Russian awards but later because now I must
go to study. HI-HI!!!
RN3QO Sergey
>From gord at kron.donetsk.ua (Vladimir A. Gordienko) Wed Oct 30 07:56:39 1996
From: gord at kron.donetsk.ua (Vladimir A. Gordienko) (Vladimir A. Gordienko)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 96 10:56:39 +0300
Subject: cq ww ssb contest
Message-ID: <AAtemTou-0 at kron.donetsk.ua>
Hi Guys!
Great fun of participating in ww ssb this year! I was listening to 10m band
during three days before the contest. Does someboby in USA realize what is 10m
band in East Europe now ? The band was absolutely quiet (as compared with CB-
radio 27MHz band - it was alive). I thought that my idia to participate in 10m
SO category is nonsense. But.... it has happened.
Continent List :
USA calls = 0 Multipliers:
VE calls = 0 Countries - 82
N.A. calls = 0 Zone - 23
S.A. calls = 15 Total - 105
Euro calls = 279
Afrc calls = 21 Equipment:
Asia calls = 29 Rig: IC735
JA calls = 7 PA : 500W
Ocen calls = 19 Ant: 4 el.Yagi,40m h.
N6TR computer pgm was used.
Total QSO = 370
73! Vlad, UT1IA gord at kron.donetsk.ua
>From na2k at juno.com (Harry A. Westervelt) Wed Oct 30 04:47:04 1996
From: na2k at juno.com (Harry A. Westervelt) (Harry A. Westervelt)
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 23:47:04 EST
Subject: Grounding HF Station
Message-ID: <19961030.012105.11574.1.NA2K at juno.com>
Hello Everyone, 10/30/96
Thanks for reading this message. On behalf of my friend Rick, KC2RL
he asked me to post a question to all. He just got the wife's permission
to put up an HF station on the 2nd floor of their new home. He's
concerned about grounding his system which includes ts850 & Amp and a
multi band dipole just barely over the roof.
I can't come up with a solution to get a good ground up on the 2nd
floor of the house. Does anyone have suggestions how this can be done?
The radio room is too far from the bathroom where he might get a ground
from water pipes. Short of drilling through the house and running a wire
through a drain spot to a ground rod in the yard, what might he do? I
told him to take up flying be I remembered he does fly helicopters (hi).
Has anyone successfully gotten a solid ground up on 2nd level? Any
comments will be forwarded to Rick. Thanks for your input.
73's Harry, NA2K
na2k at juno.com
>From G.Force at flashnet.it (Giorgio Fanelli) Wed Oct 30 10:55:33 1996
From: G.Force at flashnet.it (Giorgio Fanelli) (Giorgio Fanelli)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 11:55:33 +0100
Subject: To dupe or not to dupe..
Message-ID: <199610301055.LAA32426 at star.flashnet.it>
At 19.40 28/10/96 -0500, Tom, NM1Q wrote:
>My question concerns dupes and is related to the little
>fish thread and I would like the collective opinion...
>Is it better to just work a duplicate DX Q
>or just "QSO B4" and head on?
>My opinion is just work them and go on - after all
>we're all human and can make mistakes - besides, the
>duplicate Q may be a mult and the score could be
>discounted either way....
>Any other opinions??
I think is correct the opinions of Tom. If anyone call me in the contest and
my PC (CT ConTest software equiped) signal me a dupe I remake qso because is
anyway possible that my corrispondand don't log the precedent QSO. Yes I
lost few second but is better to lost one (or more) point or have a dupe? I
think is better have a dupe! And other is more fun make one or more qso dupe
instead runnuning the VFO knob forward and reverse...
Have good job and fun. George I0YQV.
>From ey8mm at sovam.com (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh) Wed Oct 30 15:50:22 1996
From: ey8mm at sovam.com (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh) (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 15:50:22 MMT
Subject: Beverage
Message-ID: <199610301250.AA12838 at scylla.sovam.com>
Hi to all,
Last WW contest we tried to use beverage for 160/80 reception.
Unfortunately we can't tell that reception was good. Noise was
lower but stations were not heard at all. I think that we
made mistake somewhere.
What we did:
Length was 160 meters. On the far end we put 500 om resistor.
We used 75 oms coax with 600:75 om transformer. There is no
resistor this side. Height were from 1 to 1,5 meters. On the both
ends ground was ok.
What we didn't did:
We never tried to turn beverage for SWR.
I wounder where we made misake and does turning beverage is
very important?
Nodir EY8MM
>From Walter_Crauwels at qmserver.vtm.be (Walter Crauwels) Wed Oct 30 14:57:21 1996
From: Walter_Crauwels at qmserver.vtm.be (Walter Crauwels) (Walter Crauwels)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 14:57:21 CET
Subject: Force12 vs KLM vs Hygain vs
Message-ID: <00147.2929532344.36677 at qmserver.vtm.be>
Date 30/10/96
Subject Force12 vs KLM vs Hygain vs
From Walter Crauwels
To CQ-contest Reflector
REGARDING Force12 vs KLM vs Hygain vs Mosley
Hello All,
I will setup an antenna system in a few month`s, so i would like to
receive as much as possible info and comments.
I have an 80 Foot Tower and would like to setup an antenna system for the
following bands 10,12,15,18,20, (40) meter.
After long discusions i think of the following setup:
KLM KT-34XA with a Force12 EF1218
Force12 5BA
Mosley PRo 96 or 67c
Force12 Dxerplus with a EF1012x
Please send any comments to my email adress or if you want to this reflector
Email: Walter_crauwels at qmserver.vtm.be
>From 71111.260 at CompuServe.COM (Hans Brakob) Wed Oct 30 04:54:42 1996
From: 71111.260 at CompuServe.COM (Hans Brakob) (Hans Brakob)
Date: 29 Oct 96 23:54:42 EST
Subject: Corrupted Vanity database?
Message-ID: <961030045441_71111.260_EHM14-1 at CompuServe.COM>
Varko Cranston, N8AAT said:
>The good news is that each amateur applicant will get TO KEEP HIS ORIGINAL
CALL. The other news is that he will be issued a new identity.<
It turns out you may not be able to keep *exactly* your original call. In my
case, I got a new 2-letter prefix, and the in my call "0HB" is now "0BH". In
the envelope with my license, I found airline tickets to the Orient. The ink is
smeared, but I think my signature below correctly indicates my new ID.
73, de Mortton Layyne, ex-K0HB
>From l38217 at alfa.ist.utl.pt (Pedro Pedroso) Wed Oct 30 14:32:23 1996
From: l38217 at alfa.ist.utl.pt (Pedro Pedroso) (Pedro Pedroso)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 14:32:23 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: MASTER.DTA ??
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91.961030142853.16448A-100000 at alfa.ist.utl.pt>
Hello !
I have tried several times to access the VE??? website to
download MASTER.DTA . I wonder if anyone has the same
problem and if there is an alternative site where we can
download the updated file.
| Pedro Pedroso | |
| l38217 at alfa.ist.utl.pt | CT1ELP |
| Eng. Electrotecnica e Computadores | Founder member of GPDX |
| (Telecomunicacoes e electronica) | |
| Address: P.O.Box 116 , 2806 Almada Codex , PORTUGAL |
>From wd0e at amsat.org (Jim White) Wed Oct 30 14:35:55 1996
From: wd0e at amsat.org (Jim White) (Jim White)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 07:35:55 -0700
Subject: responses to dumb questions
Message-ID: <v01540b06ae9d091df480@[]>
I received and overwhelming number of very helpful responses to my
questions. My sincere appreciation to those who responded. The consensus
responses are below. I received all the info I needed including the ct
callsign file, which seems to be the authoritative source.
UY5QD 16 Ukraine (ex-UB5, now UR-UZ) via call book address
C36NES 10 busted call, probably was CE3NES
CI3AT 4 VE3 - Canada. CI3 is special prefix for limited time
CQ9M 33 Same as CT3 - Madeira I. A good catch.
ED9EA 33 Same as EA9 - Ceuta & Melilla. Another good catch.
RA0AUW 19(18) Same as UA9/0 - Asiatic Russia, via call book address
Busted zone. A geneleman from Russia reported this station is in Z18.
RN6BY 16 European Russia, via call book address
RU1A 16 Same
RW1ZA 16 Same
TM1C 14 France, via call book address
VS6WO 24 Hong Kong, via K9EC
XR8S 12 CE - Chile, via CE8SFG
YE2DV 6 Busted call, XE2DV - Mexico
ZSM9A 38 ZS - South Africa
ZX0F 11 PY0/f - Fernando de Noronha, via PY5EG
ZX5J 11 PY - Brazil
HC8N was Galapagos
No one else reports hearing XR8S sign zero. He was clearly an 8.
S01M is Western Sahara and I'm pleased I got this one through the 'east
coast wall' :-)
Several people confirmed ZSM9A is correct and is South Africa.
Few folks reported getting T88T (Palua/Belau), but I heard from a gentleman
who knows the ops that were there. I got this one due to very low noise
level here and in spite of the fact he and a L75 were on exactly the same
frequency for a while. It helps to live in the country where the noise
level is literally zero between stations.
VA2AM: I typoed the call on this in my original message. My notes indicate
YA2AM (Afghanistan) working Europeans who were questioning his call.
However no one else heard this so I guess I busted another one.
England always had M assigned but started using it apparently with M0RSE
and it is now being assigned.
It's clear software is the right way to do this if you are going to be more
than casual about it.
Yes, my WD0 2x1 caused a few folks difficulty because they thought they
missed the end. But it was fun telling them that's all they gave me.
QSL route info suggestions:
My last experience with serious DX contesting was from KG6CGA (Cocoas
Island, off Guam), KX6BU (Eniwetok), and KH6UL (4th in the ARRL phone,
right behind KH6IJ- who humbled me :-)) in the mid 60's. Things have
changed, but this was fun. And it's nice finally, after 32 years licensed,
to have a decent station. Given the clarification of the country info, I
made my 100 country goal, just.
I have deleted the busted calls and zones, made my own dupe and score sheet
and will send it in. Next time perhaps I'll get serious about testing the
local heavy duty contesters. And my son, N0ISE, and I will take a shot at
the RTTY contests where his call always gets some attention :-)
Thanks again to all those who responded.
Jim White
wd0e at amsat.org
>From fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com (Tony Brock-Fisher) Wed Oct 30 14:50:53 1996
From: fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com (Tony Brock-Fisher) (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 09:50:53 -0500
Subject: K1KP SOA Score
Message-ID: <9610301450.AA25296 at hp-and2.an.hp.com>
Call: K1KP Country: United States
Mode: SSB Category: Single Unlimited
160 13 25 1.92 4 9
80 123 326 2.65 13 56
40 124 343 2.77 20 70
20 1011 2801 2.77 31 118
15 619 1786 2.89 23 99
10 11 26 2.36 5 10
Totals 1901 5307 2.79 96 362 => 2,430,606
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
Equipment Description:
IC-765 (x2)
AL-1200, SB-220, Homebrew 2x3-500z on 160
486DX266 and CT9.27, 486DX266 running MOFWIN by KY1H
10,15,20: KT34-XA (x2) 80'/40'
2-element Quad 60'
40: 40-2CD on Sidemount at 70'
80: Pair of Phased Delta Loops; apex 70' vertical polarized.
160: Quarter Wave Sloper
600' Beverage pointing EU.
DOG: Cairn Terrier "DOC" who smells so bad he stays outside!
Club Affiliation: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
Signature _________________________________
Tony Brock-Fisher K1KP
15 Webster St
Andover, MA 01810
Very pleased with the score, after much antenna work this summer. The overal
station improvement plans called for a +3dB improvement on 20 meters, which
was achieved in the following manner:
1. Upgrade from SB-220 (1100 watts out) to AL-1200 (1500 watts out) +1.35 dB.
2. Upgrade 180' run of feedline from RG-9913 to 3/4" CATV hardline +1.00 dB.
3. Major surgery on tower top which moved top XA from 70 to 80 feet +1.00 db.
As to the question of "What's a dB worth", I find it interesting that my
QSO total on 20 is almost exactly 3dB higher than last year!
I was somewhat discouraged going into the contest, as my head cold which
had lasted more than a month was finishing up by turning into a sore throat.
I considered recording 5905 into a spare voice keyer before the contest.
In fact, by sleeping a bit more than usual, I was able to stretch my
voice through the full 48. Still, the ops at KC1XX were sending me
packet messages asking me why I sounded so lousy!
My spirits were elevated though as I received my second 765 by 2-day UPS
just the day before the contest, and stayed up until 2 AM Thursday night
installing the PBT and AGC mods.
Friday night was the usual downhill grind building mults on the lowbands.
Saturday's EU run started on 20, which was a total rat fight as usual.
It seemed like some relief when 15 opened - I went up there and ran a bit,
but never seemed to hit my stride in spite of having clean frequencies.
So when everyone else zigged, I zagged - I went back to 20 and had
absolutely my best hour ever - 137 Q's, with the 10 minute meter over
the 200 mark frequently.
I counted on conditions improving on Sunday, as CQ magazine had predicted,
and apparently the propagation gods read CQ because they came through.
This made for better runs on 15 on Sundy.
As for goals, initially my only goal was to beat last year's 1.5M score.
This goal fell early Sunday, so a new goal of 2M points was adopted.
This goal fell just as the 15 meter run slowed down and I went back to
20. Next I noticed I was within shooting distance of 1K Q's on that
band, so this became the final goal - I glued myself on 20, with
a few mults on other bands on the second radio, until the end; just
making the 1K Q's by about 2330 Sunday.
On looking at scores of other SOA's, it appears I have again made the
major mistake of running too much and the mult count suffers. I think
I could have had an even higher score if I had kept the M/Q ratio higher.
I'm hoping that getting better with the second radio will help this.
All in all, it was a great weekend - really exhilerating, in spite
of feeling pretty lousy at times with the cold. So now it's on to
SS and WWCW! Look for:
SS CW - K1JKS (maybe new vanity call) from K1KP
SS SSB - W1HP Multioperator
CQ CW - K1KP Multisingle
73, 5905!
-Tony, K1KP, fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com
>From gord at kron.donetsk.ua (Vladimir A. Gordienko) Wed Oct 30 14:48:44 1996
From: gord at kron.donetsk.ua (Vladimir A. Gordienko) (Vladimir A. Gordienko)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 96 17:48:44 +0300
Subject: contest results
Message-ID: <AAChsTou-0 at kron.donetsk.ua>
Hi Guys!
I'd like to report to Sergey RN3QO and other guys from former USSR and eastern
european countries that any information about: results,rules,conferences,
DX-peditions,technical experience,etc you could find in the Bulletin of
Ukrainian Contest Club. The Bulletin is published every quarter of the year.
To subscribe to the Bulletin you should inquire to: Vladimir Latyshenko
UY5ZZ, p.o.box 4850,Zaporozhye,330118,Ukraine; telephone: +380 (612) 649 857
or every thursday on 3.666 Mhz (+-) at about 20.00 UTC during the UCC round
73! Vlad, UT1IA gord at kron.donetsk.ua
>From aa4lr at radio.org (AA4LR) Wed Oct 30 14:06:17 1996
From: aa4lr at radio.org (AA4LR) (AA4LR)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 96 10:06:17 -0400
Subject: Little Gun - Try SS CW!
Message-ID: <960930100433.KAA07495 at gate.iterated.com>
>From: BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com
>on Sunday of SS CW when the quick speedy guys have run their course, try
>When you hear someone end their cq-ing, simply send QRS PSE
Why wait 'til Sunday? I do this every QSO.
(big grin)
Bill Coleman, AA4LR Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901
>From w2up at voicenet.com (Barry Kutner) Wed Oct 30 15:05:16 1996
From: w2up at voicenet.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 15:05:16 +0000
Subject: Magnetic north (again)
Message-ID: <199610301507.KAA15394 at mail3.voicenet.com>
Sorry to bring this back to life again...
I was just looking at a topographic map of my area by the USGS, and
right at the bottom it shows magnetic north and then an arrow
indicating 10.5 degrees from true north (Phila area).
Reason I mention this is this map is a bargain (not including your
tax dollars). For $4.00 (yes, $4.00) you can purchase a map of
anywhere in the US that shows your QTH and a topographic profile of
the area (for me was a 1:24000 map). Includes all sorts of interesting
details on the map, such as individual houses, building, power lines,
underground pipes, roads, RR tracks, water, and more. The only
negative is the map is somewhat old (mine last revised in 1973), so
if there's a lot of development in your area, in won't be very
accurate showing new streets, etc.
I was fortunate in that there was a local map dealer that had my area
in stock. To order via mail is a somewhat convoluted process, first
requiring you to request a catalog and index (one of which is likely
to be out of stock and they tell you to try again in 120 days). Then
you find your map and fill out order sheet. You can request info by
calling 1-800-USA-MAPS.
73 Barry
Disclaimer - I don't work for any map making company or the USGS,
nor do I get a tax credit when you order your map.
Barry Kutner, W2UP Internet: w2up at voicenet.com
Newtown, PA FRC alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com
>From WX0B-JTERLESKI at postoffice.worldnet.att.net (Jay Terleski) Wed Oct 30 15:57:31 1996
From: WX0B-JTERLESKI at postoffice.worldnet.att.net (Jay Terleski) (Jay Terleski)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 09:57:31 -0600
Subject: Magnetic north (again)
References: <199610301507.KAA15394 at mail3.voicenet.com>
Message-ID: <32777AEB.1B0D at postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
Barry Kutner wrote:
> Sorry to bring this back to life again...
> I was just looking at a topographic map of my area by the USGS, and
> right at the bottom it shows magnetic north and then an arrow
> indicating 10.5 degrees from true north (Phila area).
> Reason I mention this is this map is a bargain (not including your
> tax dollars). For $4.00 (yes, $4.00) you can purchase a map of
> anywhere in the US that shows your QTH and a topographic profile of
> the area (for me was a 1:24000 map). Includes all sorts of interesting
> details on the map, such as individual houses, building, power lines,
> underground pipes, roads, RR tracks, water, and more. The only
> negative is the map is somewhat old (mine last revised in 1973), so
> if there's a lot of development in your area, in won't be very
> accurate showing new streets, etc.
> I was fortunate in that there was a local map dealer that had my area
> in stock. To order via mail is a somewhat convoluted process, first
> requiring you to request a catalog and index (one of which is likely
> to be out of stock and they tell you to try again in 120 days). Then
> you find your map and fill out order sheet. You can request info by
> calling 1-800-USA-MAPS.
> 73 Barry
> Disclaimer - I don't work for any map making company or the USGS,
> nor do I get a tax credit when you order your map.
> --
> Barry Kutner, W2UP Internet: w2up at voicenet.com
> Newtown, PA FRC alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com
Gosh Barry, I thought everyone knew about Toppo Maps. But a very good
source for these in anyones area are sporting goods stores.
REI, backpacking and camping stores and Fishing stores ( gotta have
those toppos to figure out the terrain under the water too ).
Competition bass guys use em.
Sebentry tree
>From dave at egh.com (David Clemons) Wed Oct 30 17:38:50 1996
From: dave at egh.com (David Clemons) (David Clemons)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 12:38:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: SS hints
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.961030123449.2905A-100000 at newman.egh.com>
Hi Derek,
I think your ideas are outstanding, but I would like to suggest one
change. On #5, sign your call QRP/KC7KMC/QRP. (You know, they might not
hear the QRP on your weak signal if you only place it on one end or the
other of the call.)
73, Dave Clemons K1VUT
p.s. - I would suggest you request a vanity call. It doesn't have to be
shorter, just more recognizable (i.e. N6TREE).
>From silver at ax.apc.org (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) Wed Oct 30 16:59:10 1996
From: silver at ax.apc.org (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 14:59:10 -0200
Subject: First ARRL and CQWW Contests?
Message-ID: <199610301659.OAA19132 at ax.ibase.br>
Dear friends,
Most of you might be older than me (I am 28 years-old) and
I am curious to know when the first CQWW and the first ARRL International
Contests happened?
At that time they already had SSB and CW? Or AM and CW?
Thank you very much and 73...
Carlos - PY1CAS
>From steve at austin.ibm.com (Steve Runyon WQ5G 512-838-7008) Wed Oct 30 18:44:36 1996
From: steve at austin.ibm.com (Steve Runyon WQ5G 512-838-7008) (Steve Runyon WQ5G 512-838-7008)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 96 12:44:36 -0600
Subject: Detailed Info on USGS Maps
Message-ID: <9610301844.AA40378 at runyon.austin.ibm.com>
Barry is right, and these maps are GREAT! I don't have mine handy, but
my QTH was revised MUCH more recently than 1973... just a few years ago if
I recall correctly. They also even include ponds, windmills, abandoned
wells, all sorts of things that I was surprised to see on there! (hmmm...
wonder if it would show 200' towers?? Probably so, too bad there aren't
any at my QTH to show up on the next update - hi!) If you are looking
for the local terrain contours to plug into TA or YTAD, these maps
should be just the ticket.
My local map company sells them for $6, but last time when they were
out of a map that I needed, I managed to get the phone number of the
USGS from them... when I bought them from the USGS, they sold for $4
each, plus a flat $3.50 fee for shipping (doesn't matter if you order
1 or 500).
I have only bought the most detailed (small scale?) but I understand
that they have several scales available... the most detailed is the 7.5
minute which is the 1:24000 scale that Barry mentioned. The maps are titled
by community names, and you need to know the name (you can't just give
them the lat/long). If you don't know the map name already, I would
advise checking with a local map company... As Barry mentioned, you can
also order one of the USGS catalogs - there is one for each state that
shows the grid index for that state (also shows when the maps were
last revised). I managed to talk a nice lady at USGS into checking
on a map title for me but I think they normally discourage this.
They don't take orders by phone, but once you have the map name, you
can order by fax by calling 303-202-4693 - you will need to include
a MC or VISA number and exp date, signature, day phone number, and of
course your address and the name/state/scale of the map(s) you want.
I think you can also have the maps or aerial photography sent directly
to your fax machine, but I don't know any details about that service.
Good luck!
73 de Steve WQ5G
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Sorry to bring this back to life again...
I was just looking at a topographic map of my area by the USGS, and
right at the bottom it shows magnetic north and then an arrow
indicating 10.5 degrees from true north (Phila area).
Reason I mention this is this map is a bargain (not including your
tax dollars). For $4.00 (yes, $4.00) you can purchase a map of
anywhere in the US that shows your QTH and a topographic profile of
the area (for me was a 1:24000 map). Includes all sorts of interesting
details on the map, such as individual houses, building, power lines,
underground pipes, roads, RR tracks, water, and more. The only
negative is the map is somewhat old (mine last revised in 1973), so
if there's a lot of development in your area, in won't be very
accurate showing new streets, etc.
I was fortunate in that there was a local map dealer that had my area
in stock. To order via mail is a somewhat convoluted process, first
requiring you to request a catalog and index (one of which is likely
to be out of stock and they tell you to try again in 120 days). Then
you find your map and fill out order sheet. You can request info by
calling 1-800-USA-MAPS.
73 Barry
Disclaimer - I don't work for any map making company or the USGS,
nor do I get a tax credit when you order your map.
- --
Barry Kutner, W2UP Internet: w2up at voicenet.com
Newtown, PA FRC alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com
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