AH2BEECAMP at aol.com AH2BEECAMP at aol.com
Wed Sep 4 02:28:48 EDT 1996

Since I have been on a few Dxpeditions (KH9) am also HL9MM,8P9GI,also been
on KH6 and worked from HZ1AB, I think a good call sign is important. Some
speed counts. If you are spending time trying to straighten out calls or your
call you
are not making Q's...thus no points.....IF you could get a good 2 by 2 or 1
by 2
it will be better...
  Also I have never mixed up and XRAY for and ECHO. xray is very distint!!!
  I like my AH2BE call as compared to my old cal KB6DAW/KH2/KH9/KH0
etc..the simpler the better...
  In the military we are taught to KISS things...Keep It Simple Stupid..the
the betterr and the easier it gets.
          My thoughts for the day.
          I am now on AOL and anyone can Email me at:
          AH2BEECAMP at AOL.COM

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