What is your Lat-Long?

K8DO at aol.com K8DO at aol.com
Fri Sep 6 14:30:37 EDT 1996

My Garmin 100 reports (claims?) its expected positional accuracy (epa), with
ca. 170/190 feet being the most frequent numbers I see... It  often jumps to
300/500 foot for short periods (even with 4 birds in view, each showing
better than 6 for reliability)... but, I frequently see it down to 70/100
foot, or so, for short periods...  During Desert Storm it said 30/70 foot
much of the time, and experimental taxiing around the airport confirmed the
repeatability to easily be within 30 feet when the epa was 30... The military
claims the absolute accuracy is 30 yards ( dither off), so I should be able,
at optimum, to locate to within 30 yards +/- the epa for any given point...
This puts 150 foot absolute, with 30 foot repeatibility available right now,
as soon as we develop the political will to grab the pentagon by the balls
and squeeze gently while explaining who works for whom!...

After I first got it, a number of years ago, I created my own instrument
approach to the local airport... I flew that home made approach many times as
an experiment... without fail, if I did my job, the end of the runway was in
the windshield when the waypoint beeper went off... When the pentagon turns
the dither off, its positional accuracy, both absolute and repeatable, far
exceeds my ability to repeatably maneuver the airframe in gusty winds...


>From force12e at lightlink.com (Natan Huffman)  Fri Sep  6 18:39:44 1996
From: force12e at lightlink.com (Natan Huffman) (Natan Huffman)
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 13:39:44 -0400
Subject: STB serial card/Win 95
Message-ID: <199609061739.NAA20328 at light.lightlink.com>

Has anyone successfully used the Pre Rapture Systems STB 4 port serial card
with Windows 95.  I want to use this card for various functions while
contesting and was unable to get the thing to work.  Had no problem with
another computer, but Windows 95 does not seem to want to cooperate.  

This card is used along with CT to control my radio/rotor/and other
functions while contesting.

thank you...

Please reply directly

Natan W6XR/2

>From jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Fri Sep  6 19:22:34 1996
From: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 1996 08:22:34 -1000
Subject: QRQ CW article in CQ
Message-ID: < at aloha.net>

Aloha to all,

I have recv'd e-mail this morning about the subject.  I have
not gotten a CQ since the August issue.  Magazines come by barge
to Kauai slowly! The article is a surprise to me.  Evidently the CQ
editors have picked up on stuff I had posted here on this
reflector some months back.   That is ok,  as I did give permission
to someone who had e-mailed to me a time ago to use material
from these posts,  I thought,  in CQ Contest, but whatever.

As I have not seen what has been printed,  apparently under my
name,  I hope that the many of you who contributed most of that
info to me received attributions in the article.  I know when I posted the
results of my survey of many you fine QRQ ops,  that I tried to give
name and call signs to all who had contributed good practice/op ideas.

I assume what has appeared is similar to the stuff of mine Scott, KA9FOX
has posted on the topic at his web site.  If so,  then your contributions
are acknowleged by call sign,  name,  or both.

And I certainly do thank you all for your  tips on building on up to
higher speed CW operating practices.  I  am still practicing what
I  preached,  and,  as with some preachers of whom I have known,
I am still not yet a saint (of QRQ operations)  but I am still following
the practice routines.  Just need to get time at it every day now!

Thanks again,  and I hope the article does contribute to more
CW operating interest among the newer/younger hams.

Mahalo and 73,   Jim, AH6NB (soon to be,  maybe,  KH7 something)
On the Garden Island of Kauai

>From jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Fri Sep  6 19:22:32 1996
From: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 1996 08:22:32 -1000
Subject: What is your Lat-Long?
Message-ID: < at aloha.net>

At 08:16 AM 9/6/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Where are the instructions for using this system?  I can't get the map 
>center to move as I try to zero in on my QTH.  I can move red pins all 
>over the place, but they don't move the map center. 

Aloha Scott,

When you first click on the TMS V2.1,  the map which will eventually
come up is of the Wash. D.C. area.   Scroll down the page below the
map,  and you will find two data blocks,  one of which will be filled in
with lthe map center of the map just above.  Change that data block to
about your own lat. and long. (note the long will be negative in the US).

Now your town or county,  whatever should come up on the map.
Next click on the list just to  the right of the map,  put a dot in the
circle next to "change  map center".  Now,  click on the map
about where you believe your QTH to be.  The map will be redrawn
centered there.  Next click in the circle which says to "zoom in",  but
change the zoom parameter from 2 to 8 or 10 or so.  Now the map will
redraw,  slowly, zoomed in close enough that you should be able to
see the streets of your town or distrcit;  if not,  zoom in some more
until streets do appear.  When you have streets,  click on the circle
next to ":place a dot"  and click on the map where your QTH is.
Now a dot should be drawn there on a new map.  But where is the
lat and long date?  Back down below the map again,  this time to the
left is a data block which gives the exact coordinates of the dot.
Note that you can also here,  change the nature of the marder.  I selected
"Small red dot" as the larger one covered up the finer detail I wanted.

Now you can bounce back and forth between zoomiong closer to
get right into your own yard,  and the dot placement of the base
of the antenna you want the exact coordinates for.  You should be
able to get within 20 or fewer feet,  if you are patient.  The maps do
take awhile to come up;  guess the computer does a buch of calcs
to get it all together.

Have fun,  73,  Jim,  AH6NB

>From mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)  Fri Sep  6 19:53:16 1996
From: mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton) (David C. Patton)
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 13:53:16 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Sprint CW--start on 40!
Message-ID: <199609061853.NAA09640 at ecom6.ecn.bgu.edu>

A group of us in the Midwest usually start the sprint on 40.  We try
to work each other before the band goes long (about a half hour!).
Otherwise we don't hear each other until 80 meters.

Every station West of CO, and every station in TX gets to work all of
us midwesterners and east coasters on virtually all three bands.  We
get to work each other on 80, and infrequently on the other bands.

It's no wonder we can't seem to win this contest!  SO, anyone
interested in some quick EASY Qs, start on 40!!!!  Little
competition, you spend ten or 15 minutes and then go to 20 where all
the western stations are quick and easy.  Go back to 40 in a half
hour and start working all the Western guys per usual!

TKS and CU from K4VX/0 on or about 7035 at 00Z

73, Dave, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu

>From mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se (SM7PKK)  Fri Sep  6 20:31:01 1996
From: mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se (SM7PKK) (SM7PKK)
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 1996 21:31:01 +0200
Subject: element tapering.. anyone got the formulas?
Message-ID: < at mailbox.swip.net>


I am going to try build some monobanders and have programs to optimize the
antennas but none=20
to taper the elements. If anyone have a program (shareware) or just the
formulas I would be greatful.

73 de Mats SM7PKK
SM7PKK			E-mail: mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se
Mats Persson
S-212 14 Malmoe
Sweden			CW !!

P.S My logs are open forever.. ever.. ever..

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