Confessions of a Sprint first-timer

KY2P at KY2P at
Sun Sep 8 02:55:20 EDT 1996

(I drank too much coffee during the CW Sprint tonight, so I figured
I'd put the time to use somehow).

(I've been contesting now for 15 years, and I have never entered a
Sprint contest before, except for two occasions several years back
where I handed out a few Q's.  Why?  I really couldnt say - mostly
because I didn't see it as being serious due to the length, etc.  I had
nothing whatsoever to back this up other than just sheer ignorance.)

I had decided early last week I was going to get on and hand out a
few Q's during the CW Sprint contest.  I am teaching myself two-
radio contesting, and figured this would be an ideal situation to get a
little practice time in.  Friday morning, inspiration struck while reading
the rules to the contest - gee, only three bands...I could get some
antennas up on Saturday and actually do the whole thing and try to

7:30 AM Saturday morning.  I just moved two months ago, and my
antenna "farm" consists of two dipoles, both 10 feet off the ground
hastily erected to get on for the NAQP CW contest.  That's simply
not going to do.  It'll be easy to get a couple of antennas up this morning
and then I'll have the rest of the day to . . . .

6:00 PM Saturday - after a trip to Home Depot, and several trips up onto 
the second story roof with no lunch break, I managed to come up with 
a dipole at 30 feet for 80 meters (NE/SW), a dipole at 20 feet for 40 
meters (NE/SW), and a duct-taped 14AVQ vertical, which is now 
ground mounted using the infamous cinder-block and big tree method
favored by Field Day slackers everywhere.   I have enough wire left for
two radials on 20 meters for the vertical.   

7:45 PM Saturday - I've got both radios, keyers and paddles hooked up
and ready to go.  The extension cords are all set up - my shack in my new
house is in a finished attic...finished with everything except electricity.
50 foot orange electrical cord runs down the staircase to the dining room.
I've got two power supplies, the pencil sharpener, my vintage 1979 Autek 
keyer,  and a 60 watt bulb on a power strip.  Everything is working great. 
 I can hear W6 and W7 on the trap vertical on 20, so I decide to start by 
calling CQ on 40 and S&P  with the second radio on 20.  Texas is very 
loud on 20!

My laptop computer bit the dust in July and is  now fixed - but I don't
have the correct software for the Sprint contest.  Out comes the old blue
lined school notebook, as I am unable to locate any old SS log sheets.

I start the contest on 40 and rack up some quick contacts, and don't even
listen to the second radio on 20 until about 10 minutes into the contest.  20
sounds good, but after calling a few stations it's become quickly obvious
on the vertical, anyone I am not hearing at least S7 is not hearing me, and 
soliciting contacts on 20 is going to be impossible.  I have the memory keyer
pounding CQ on 40 and am tuning on 20 - there is no interference between 
the two even though the antennas are only 50 feet apart.  I also have
that it's going to take a little while to figure out what strategy I want to
to maximize the rate.  During the first hour, I distinctly feel like the
radio is slowing me down a little.  This turns out to not be true now that I
over the log.  What's really slowing me down is no one hears me on 20 !!   

Second hour:  I have ascertained that the best way to keep up the rate
is to S&P with both rigs at the same time.  Calling CQ on the vertical on 20
is going nowhere.  The rate does start to pick up a little.  I can hear loud
signals rolling off healthy numbers on 20 - but there is so much activity
that each solicitation gets two or three callers.  Can't get through that.
0130, I start flipping the 20 rig down to 80.  I decided beforehand to leave
rig on 40 for the whole contest and switch between 20 and 80 with the other
one.  I figured it was unlikely I'd need to be on 20 and 80 at the same time 
and that turned out to be correct.  There is NOBODY on 80.  I hear the first
signal there around 0200.  I figure it's a chicken and egg thing there - 40
going well and 20 is still open...40 started to go very well at 0130Z, so I
the second rig on 3540 with the filters on 2.4 kHz to see if anything pops up
there...first Q comes in at 0213, followed by a few quick more and after a
minutes the floodgates are open.  By this time I'm hearing almost nothing on
20 except some real weak west coast that aren't hearing me anyway. 
Q total after two hours = 99.

Third hour:  I only have one memory keyer, and it's on the 40 meter radio,
which is now only S&Ping.  I'm sending everything on 80 by hand, but I don't
want to stop to unplug and switch the keyers.  No one seems weak on 80 -
even the west coast is very audible by 0300z.  If I have to repeat "TN" one
more time I'm going to bite off the end of this pencil - oh vanity calls,
me a nice one with a "4", so I can put an end to eight years of out-of-call
district contesting and everyone will copy my section right the first time.  

Fourth hour:  I have 149 Q's after three hours, and 200 Q's looks possible if
the rate keeps the same.  I have started calling CQ again on 40 while tuning
on 80, because the 80 rate has slowed ***just*** enough to copy two signals
again at the same time.  A lesson learned here:  Got to figure out how to run
a substantial rate on one rig and tune around with the other.  When the rate
meter gets higher, it gets harder to listen to the other one.  Obviously this
no earth shattering news - but this is the first year I've tried this
two-radio bit.
The first half-hour is going well, and with 20 minutes to go, it looks like
make it to 200...but it drops off.  I end up with only 12 Q's for the last 20
minutes and fall 4 short.  Total Q count - 196.

Postcontest:  Tune to what turns out to be 3832.35 or so and listen.  I
keep a mult sheet so I am counting multipliers and come up with 40.  The 
scores are coming in, and except for NM5M, it looks like my mults
are right in there and I'm only about 15 Q's behind most of the low power 
entries.  196/40 final.  For using low wire antennas and a ground mount
vertical and no computer, it didn't turn out too bad!  If I'd had a better
on 20, I would have been able to work much more up there.  Easily could 
have made up most of that in the first hour on 20 calling stations that were
not hearing me.    

What I learned:  Two radios are hard, but it's getting easier all the time
I'm glad  I resisted the impulse to turn the volume down on one of them. 
My knee-jerk reaction for what it takes to compete in the Sprint CW contest
is 1) don't tune around as fast as you do in other contests and 2) LISTEN TO
CALLSIGNS.  I'm sure I missed contacts because I was too impatient to wait
through the whole exchange; I could have gotten what I needed out of it by 
listening to the callsigns and ignoring the rest of what was sent.  This is
a terrific contest and I am sorry I spent so many years totally ignoring it.
I operated serious single op for the WPX CW and IARU HF this year and I
had more fun with this one by far than either one of those.  I'll be back - 
permanently.  I might even plug in a microphone and get on for the SSB 
contest - unheard of in these parts...

73  Scott (soon to be ex-)KY2P 


>From k7ss at (Danny Eskenazi)  Sun Sep  8 07:27:53 1996
From: k7ss at (Danny Eskenazi) (Danny Eskenazi)
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 1996 23:27:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: REMOTE SITE Sprint - K7SS
Message-ID: <199609080627.XAA12524 at>

        What an jumping into the fast lane on the freeway
with a pedal car.
I could think of no better test, than the CW sprint, to try out the remote
system in a contest.

REMOTE HF STATION at K7XX summer home on Vashon Island, TS 850s, ALPHA 87A, and
HF2V GP on the beach in front of his home.  Computer, and interface box, and
voice/data modem.

MY QTH at K7SS, laptop and voice/data modem, and speaker phone on the
kitchen table. Hand logging on paper.

Software by KG7GA with a graphic W95  "radio" front.  Hardware by N0AX (who
has to suffer thru the local QRM from the box he built...sorry OM)  Station
by K7XX.

2358 take a minute to wipe the keyboard for clean surface keys.     program
crashes.. reboot
takes 3 minutes....0003 first QSO with neighbor N0AX, also on the island.
luckily the ALpha stays warmed up thru the crash, and doesnt require "the
longest three minutes in radio"

Cant run with a GP antenna....even with KW and salt water, so have to find
em,  A little different
using a mouse to tune in 40 wpm thrill-seekers.  

Rate stinks, so settle into a 45/hr rate for the first hour. W1-3 very
wattery and answering the 5s and 8s and 0s and even 6s, who get them on the
first try. 

Got to try 40, at least I'll be on an even footing with half the guys, the
half that dont have yagis.
Rate immediately improves.

Very hard getting used to the sidetone that they call RIT on the
program yet, and cant
use the split VFOs when you have to QSY after each Q.  Audio is coming out
of a speakerphone
on the table. very high pitched.  

Suddenly in the middle of a Q, the audio quits....just plain
disappears....and just as mysteriously
reappears.!  two Qs later the same thing...just dead silence for about 3 or
4 seconds...very have to really depend on a whole string of things going
right..from the keyboard,
thru the program, thru the modem, on the phone line, thru the other modem,
into the computer, off the the radio which is amped by the ALpha, and all
running thru the coax to the beach vertical.

Other than those two brief scares, the system worked flawlessly.  There are
coming down the line, the RIT, a set of headphones, a paddle , etc, which
will make the experience
even closer to the "real" thing,

Hit 40 pretty hard and it was the money band. Usually leave 80 for the last
half hour, but thought the KW might allow more run time than 30 mins. Yep,
the band was fast and furious for a full
50 minutes, with east coast calling in on CQs.

Ended with 232 by 43, which is very close to what I have done barefoot from
home with a 
TH7/G5RV at 100watts.  KW at home could have yielded another 50Qs. I expect a 
20 meter yagi at the beach would have added another 40 or so on 20.  

So the experiment showed that the remote is a viable contest tool. Not as
fast as the real deal at home, but not that far behind, especially for the
first time out. The breakdown could have been
total disaster, but wasnt. At home one can adapt, remotely one cannot. This
was 4 hours, and 
I would guess the reliability over a 48 hour test would be questionable
(just a guess)

Finally, I must profusely apologize to all those who had to endure a
misplaced letter or number from my typing. Add proficiency in typing and the
system plays even better. 

This was a great trial run for the system. 


de Danny K7SS
Danny Eskenazi
k7ss at

>From w7zrc at (Rod Greene)  Sun Sep  8 14:41:00 1996
From: w7zrc at (Rod Greene) (Rod Greene)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 96 07:41 MDT
Subject: REMOTE SITE Sprint - K7SS
Message-ID: < at>


Way to go, and what a great experiment!

cul, Rod

At 11:27 PM 9/7/96 -0700, Danny Eskenazi wrote:
>        What an jumping into the fast lane on the freeway
>with a pedal car.
>I could think of no better test, than the CW sprint, to try out the remote
>system in a contest.
>REMOTE HF STATION at K7XX summer home on Vashon Island, TS 850s, ALPHA 87A, and
>HF2V GP on the beach in front of his home.  Computer, and interface box, and
>voice/data modem.

----- Rod Greene, w7zrc at, <>< -----

>From k5zd at (Randy Thompson)  Sun Sep  8 15:21:50 1996
From: k5zd at (Randy Thompson) (Randy Thompson)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 10:21:50 -0400
Subject: "Lets all start the contest..."
Message-ID: <01BB9D71.6FE403A0 at>

From: 	Jeffrey Clarke[SMTP:jdclarke at]
Sent: 	Friday, September 06, 1996 9:42 PM
To: 	Danny Eskenazi
Cc: 	cq-contest at
Subject: 	Re: "Lets all start the contest..."

>     ON A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD ?????  That only happens at the WRTC.

>     Amateur radio contesting has never been played on a level playing
>     field !!  Location Location Location  is what usually determines=20

>     the winner. I could spend a million bucks on a station and I=20
>     guarantee you I would never win a DX contest or SS from Ohio !!

I beg to differ.  I won a DX contest from K3TUP which is only 20 miles =
or so from Ohio.  I don't think he spent a million bux either.  However, =
you are correct in that it is much harder, takes more work, and lots =
more luck.  But it can be done!

I also expect that K3LR (1 mile from Ohio) will some day win SS.

Randy, K5ZD

Randy Thompson                                                           =
                     Amateur Radio Call Sign: K5ZD
E-mail: k5zd at
11 Hollis Street,  Uxbridge, MA 01569
h (508) 278-2355  w (508) 337-6600

>From k5zd at (Randy Thompson)  Sun Sep  8 15:23:06 1996
From: k5zd at (Randy Thompson) (Randy Thompson)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 10:23:06 -0400
Subject: "Lets all start the contest..."
Message-ID: <01BB9D71.71E32F00 at>

Oh yeah?!  Well at least we are sitting in front of our radios.  You are operating yours via telephone lines.  So there...

From: 	Danny Eskenazi[SMTP:k7ss at]
Sent: 	Friday, September 06, 1996 5:52 PM
To: 	cq-contest at
Subject: 	"Lets all start the contest..."


.....on whatever band we feel like

.....with our beams aimed wherever we feel like

.....without any preassigned "backscatter" mini-bands

.....without any prearranged schedules with "rare" sections


73 de Danny K7SS
Danny Eskenazi
k7ss at

Randy Thompson                                                                                Amateur Radio Call Sign: K5ZD
E-mail: k5zd at
11 Hollis Street,  Uxbridge, MA 01569
h (508) 278-2355  w (508) 337-6600

>From ki8w at (Barry Martz)  Sun Sep  8 16:49:56 1996
From: ki8w at (Barry Martz) (Barry Martz)
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 96 10:49:56 -0500
Subject: Connecting to internet cluster
Message-ID: <199609081457.KAA24699 at>

-- [ From: Barry Martz * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

I recently saw a note about connecting to the internet cluster via your
contest software.  All works ok EXCEPT that my Software sends in CAPS and my
login needs lower case letters.  Is there a way to by-pass the upper case

Thanks de Barry/KI8W

>From ki8w at (Barry Martz)  Sun Sep  8 16:50:01 1996
From: ki8w at (Barry Martz) (Barry Martz)
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 96 10:50:01 -0500
Message-ID: <199609081457.KAA24704 at>

-- [ From: Barry Martz * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --




                          LIST OF DX ALERT FREQUENCIES


     Here is my list of VOICE DX Alert frequencies.  If you see anything
     that needs to be corrected or added, please send me the information.

     Call:   Area:           Club:                   Freq:

     W4NT    ATLANTA GA.     SEDXC                   147.51 SIMPLEX

     K5DX    HOUSTON TX.     TDXS                    147.36+

     K5VT    CAREFREE AZ.    CADXA                   147.32+
             nr. PHOENIX

     W6FRZ   LOS ANGELES     SO. CAL DX CLUB         145.48-
     (KJ6HO) ORANGE CO.                              pl 100

     W6TI    NORTHERN .CA.   NO. CAL DX CLUB         147.36+


     WB6UCD S/CENT CAL.           EDISON A.R.N.      224.760- PL 100.0 Hz
                      SW NEVADA / W. ARIZONA         224.700- PL 100.0 Hz
                      (11 LINK REPEATERS)            224.320- PL 131.8 Hz

     KL7Y    ANCHORAGE AK.                           147.57 SIMPLEX

     W7FR    SEATTLE WA.     WWDXC                   147.00-

     K7LJ    PORTLAND OR.                            145.39-
     W7AC                    WILLAMETTE VALLEY DX    147.14+ (POSSIBLE)

     K8KRG   N.ROYALTON      N. OHIO DX ASSN.         145.15-

             nr. CLEVELAND
     K8NA    TROY MI.        SEMDXA                  145.13

     W9BZW   WHEATON IL.     NIDXA                   147.36+
             nr. CHICAGO                             pl 136.5

     VE3PDX  GOLDEN          NIAGARA FRONTIER INT'L  147.345+
             HORSESHOE       DX ASSN. & KK2I

                             CENTRAL ONT. RTTY ENTH.

     OH2RAQ  HELSINKI FINLAND  HPY ARC                145.225


     Thanks to all who responded.  I will add any others that come in. or
     or  (( no graphics ))

     de Barry/KI8W

>From hwardsil at (Ward Silver)  Sun Sep  8 17:30:13 1996
From: hwardsil at (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 09:30:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Watt-Me-Worry Sprint Results
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.960908092049.5619M-100000 at>

Wow!  What a great turn-out!  Thanks to all the WMW members for the
effort...I think we had a 100% (or at least 95%) representation.

Team #1 - Rockcrushers		Team #2 - Annihilators
N0AX	217 x 43 = 9331		KK5ZX	?
W0UY	151 x 32 = 4832		WA0RJY	 59 x 22 = 1298
K7NPN   127 x 35 = 4445		WA2SRQ	?
W7ZRC	?			K8JLF	?
K7LR    ?			KN4QV	?
N9JF    214 x 39 = 8346		WA7UVJ	101 x 32 = 3232
KK9W    ?			K7CW	?
AA4GA   182 x 41 = 7462		N0DH	141 x 35 = 4935
AA7NH   ?			AA0CY	?
N6MZ    ?			AA9JY	?

Good show, everyone...let's make it a regular "thang"!

73, Ward N0AX

>From ka8okh at (Rich Dailey, KA8OKH)  Sun Sep  8 16:55:50 1996
From: ka8okh at (Rich Dailey, KA8OKH) (Rich Dailey, KA8OKH)
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 1996 12:55:50 -0300
Subject: "Lets all start the contest..."
Message-ID: <199609081656.MAA25526 at>

>From: 	Jeffrey Clarke[SMTP:jdclarke at]
>Sent: 	Friday, September 06, 1996 9:42 PM
>To: 	Danny Eskenazi
>Cc: 	cq-contest at
>Subject: 	Re: "Lets all start the contest..."

>>     guarantee you I would never win a DX contest or SS from Ohio !!

>I beg to differ.  I won a DX contest from K3TUP which is only 20 miles or so from Ohio.  I don't 

>I also expect that K3LR (1 mile from Ohio) will some day win SS.

Is K3LR the monster antenna farm I see on I-80 Just across the PA-OH line?
Whoever it is they have a pretty setup.

73... rich

Rich Dailey - KA8OKH <ka8okh at>
Somerset Electronics Co. - Somerset, KY
Expert repair on all major brands of CATV line/headend, & TVRO equipment.
Opinions expressed here are of my own unique design.

>From 0006008716 at (Doug Grant)  Sun Sep  8 18:34:00 1996
From: 0006008716 at (Doug Grant) (Doug Grant)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 96 12:34 EST
Subject: TS-940 Problem
Message-ID: <93960908173439/0006008716DC3EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

As I was getting ready for a full-blast two-radio take-no-prisoners effort
in the Sprint last night, I finally unpacked my 940 from getting it shipped
back from San Francisco.

It's broken. I know several people have experienced this failure mode, and
someone her on the Reflector knows the cure, which is why I'm posting here.

THe symptom is that the display reads a frequency for about 3 seconds, then 
goes blank expect for a string of decmial points nad no digits. I know it's
a loose connector, but don't recall which one. CAn anyone help?

DId the Sprint anyway with the other rig (a 930 which has developed two bugs).
Managed about 250 Qs. Many things need work at this station...

Doug K1DG
K1DG at

>From fmoore at (Frank Moore)  Sun Sep  8 19:52:39 1996
From: fmoore at (Frank Moore) (Frank Moore)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 14:52:39 -0400
Subject: Fran (or how to clear trees for your new Contest tower)
Message-ID: <9609081452.ZM386 at>

I had thought that I might put a wire up in one of my many trees and get on 40m
for the sprint. The only problem was that by Fri am the tree was lying on the
ground. It seems that Fran selected only the biggest oaks (at least at my
house) for humbling. Fortunately with about 10-12 big trees down only one saw
fit to lean a branch on the house and do minor damage. The bigger problem now
is the cleanup and no power and no water (the pump is silent in the well).
Fortunately, power is on here at work and they even have showers.
On the bright side it was going to be a pain to select a place for the tower(s)
before because of the number of big trees... No more. I think I have clearings
for 3 towers now. I sure am glad that I hadn't started any tower work. I hope
that all the towers that were up around here still are and that Will's antennas
survived. Now for a generator for a Xmas present...

							KE4GY  Durham, NC

>From 100260.342 at CompuServe.COM (Roger, G3SXW)  Sun Sep  8 23:59:40 1996
From: 100260.342 at CompuServe.COM (Roger, G3SXW) (Roger, G3SXW)
Date: 08 Sep 96 18:59:40 EDT
Subject: New Web Page - 5V5A
Message-ID: <960908225940_100260.342_EHV72-4 at CompuServe.COM>

To: Various reflectors and DX magazines
From: Roger Western, G3SXW
Date: 8 September 1996

Announcing: The new 5V5A Web Site

As of today, everyone is invited to visit our new World-Wide Web
page for the upcoming expedition to Togo, in West Africa. We
hope you will enjoy reading about our plans. The site is at:

The project itself is ambitious: a team of ten will enter the CQ
World-Wide DX CW Contest on November 23/24 from Togo,
signing 5V5A. Six stations will be installed along with 17
antennas on the hotel roof, to enter the multi-multi section.

The web page has information about Togo, each member of
the team, each of our previous expeditions, the WW contest,
operating site, transportation and logistics, our QSL routes
(including bureau requests via e-mail), tips on making a QSO
in the contest, best times and bands to work Togo from each
major area, and much more. The expertise of Dr Warren Hill,
KF7AY, who constructed the page provides attractive reading,
aided by many photographs, maps, QSL cards and graphics.
Thank you, Warren, for your enormous efforts.

As the project unfolds we will post updated news items to the
"Flash" section every few days. Please feel free to visit the site
from time to time to stay in touch.

Good luck to everybody in the contest. The Voodoo Contest
Group looks forward to working you again this November.

73 de Roger, G3SXW.

>From aa7bg at (AA7BG Matt Trott)  Mon Sep  9 00:16:32 1996
From: aa7bg at (AA7BG Matt Trott) (AA7BG Matt Trott)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 17:16:32 -0600
Subject: "Lets all start the contest..."
Message-ID: <199609082316.RAA05179 at>

>Is K3LR the monster antenna farm I see on I-80 Just across the PA-OH line?
>Whoever it is they have a pretty setup.

Along that same line. Who's station is about 30 miles North of Denver
visible from I-25 on the east side of the interstate? Looks like 2 tall
towers, one wielding stacked KT34XA's and the other with 3 el's on 40 (I
think). Just curious.
-        AA7BG	  "Vanity upon vanity...all is vanity" --Ecclessiastes	   

>From seay at (Jan & Del Seay)  Mon Sep  9 00:03:30 1996
From: seay at (Jan & Del Seay) (Jan & Del Seay)
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 1996 16:03:30 -0700
Subject: "Lets all start the contest..."
References: <199609082316.RAA05179 at>
Message-ID: <323350C2.3FB at>

AA7BG Matt Trott wrote:
> >
> >Is K3LR the monster antenna farm I see on I-80 Just across the PA-OH line?
> >Whoever it is they have a pretty setup.
> Along that same line. Who's station is about 30 miles North of Denver
> visible from I-25 on the east side of the interstate? Looks like 2 tall
> towers, one wielding stacked KT34XA's and the other with 3 el's on 40 (I
> think). Just curious.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -        AA7BG    "Vanity upon vanity...all is vanity" --Ecclessiastes
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

And - who is the one in the same area on the west side of the
Call sign WWV, what the heck kind of a call is that?

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