To correct or not

young at young at
Tue Sep 10 12:41:31 EDT 1996

Then there were the US stations who refused to work AB1AF
in the CQ WW CW contest.  At least the Europeans would think
it was stateside and send the exchange.  The easiest way to
correct it was to send the zone a couple times before re-sending
the callsign.

				Paul, K1XM

>From hwardsil at (Ward Silver)  Tue Sep 10 17:07:58 1996
From: hwardsil at (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 09:07:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: I2UIY Email address?
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.960910090634.24134D-100000 at>

Sorry for bandwidth...what is Paolo's current email address?

73, Ward N0AX

>From blckhole at (Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY)  Tue Sep 10 17:11:37 1996
From: blckhole at (Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY) (Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY)
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 11:11:37 -0500
Subject: FW: ARLB062 ARRL Petitions FCC To Change Safety Rules
References: <Chameleon.960910024121.frenaye at>
Message-ID: <32359339.4751 at>

frenaye at wrote:
> --- On Mon, 09 Sep 1996 21:14:59 EDT  w1aw at wrote:
> ARLB062 ARRL Petitions FCC To Change Safety Rules

Additionally, from the 9/9/96 issue of RADIO COMMUNICATIONS REPORT (RCR).


The Federal Communications Commission was hit Friday with major 
challanges to its new hybrid radio frequency exposure guidline.

Among those filing petitions for reconsideration/clarification are
the Personal Communications Industry Association, the Electromagnetic
Energy Association, Hammett & Edison, Inc. (a consulting firm) and the
Department of Defense.

EEA's action was driven by AT&T Corp., Lucent Technologies, Raytheon
Corp., the National Association of Broadcasters and General Electric
over the objections of Motorola, Inc., Ericsson Inc. and Nokia Corp.
The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association did not support
EEA's filing..."
PROBE ELECTRONICS 100 Higgins Road, Park Ridge IL 60068 USA
Keith J. Morehouse / WB9TIY / Society of Midwest Contesters
847-696-2828  FAX: 847-698-2045  e-mail: blckhole at

>From blckhole at (Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY)  Tue Sep 10 17:23:11 1996
From: blckhole at (Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY) (Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY)
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 11:23:11 -0500
Subject: Society of Midwest Contesters on WWW
Message-ID: <323595EF.46DD at>

The Society of Midwest Contesters is pleased to announce
their new WWW page.  Check out the SMC URL:

With the great work of our SECRET Asian software team, we
hope to make this WWW page the destination of choice for
all BLACKHOLE contesters !  Those of you who have been
linking to our OLD page should note the change of URL.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed to:
Brian Maves 7J7ABV / NB9T
mavesba at

PROBE ELECTRONICS 100 Higgins Road, Park Ridge IL 60068 USA
Keith J. Morehouse / WB9TIY / Society of Midwest Contesters
847-696-2828  FAX: 847-698-2045  e-mail: blckhole at

>From snace at (Steven Nace)  Tue Sep 10 21:00:27 1996
From: snace at (Steven Nace) (Steven Nace)
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 13:00:27 -0700
Subject: To correct or not, a good answer.
Message-ID: <v02120d00ae5b753d67de@[]>

K5GN writes:

>Hi Steve and Randy,
>I send my call an extra time which gets the other person's attention to the
>fact that something might be wrong, which he will either pick up on and
>listen or ask, or will ignore, at his own peril, since he is likely to be
>penalized, not me.

This sounds like a great idea. I shall endeavor to remember to send my call

Yes, in the Sprint, he will be penalized. This is because N6TR knows what
is going on. I have also rcvd mail that states other contests will penalize
ME for what is in someone elses log! This seems very bizarre!!

>In the sprint, since we send our call in *every* exchange, one can simply
>allow the other guy to listen -- or not listen, again at his own peril -- to
>confirm the call.


>On the other hand, we are relying on the sophistication of the log checking
>software and the diligence of the checker to root out who made the
>mistake... did he bust my call or do I have a claimed Q which is Not In Log?

As I said, Tree is the man. I know he knows what is happening. The other
log checkers have other rules they live by and that is another matter.

>If it were I who erred and busted the call, I'd sure appreciate the other
>guy making it his business to clue me in!

My original point, how much is "clueing someone in"??  From now on I will
send my call twice and leave it at that.

>>  K5ZD writes:
>>Subject: RE: To correct or not, what is the answer?
>>I had the same problem with people thinking my call was K5GN!  Probably
>>happened a dozen times.

>From six at (Frank E. van Dijk)  Tue Sep 10 21:36:43 1996
From: six at (Frank E. van Dijk) (Frank E. van Dijk)
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 22:36:43 +0200
Subject: Rules Dutch PACC 1997
Message-ID: <199609102036.WAA15226 at>


I hereby send you the rules for the PACC Contest 1997, 8 and 9
February. A condensed version of these rules is at the bottom of
the document.
There are no changes to the rules.

Please publish the rules for the PACC Contest in your magazine!

73, Frank PA3BFM
six at

February 8 and 9, 1997; 1200Z - 1200Z

160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters
 SSB QSOs on 160 are not allowed

CW and SSB

Entry classes
single operator; multi operator; SWL 

RS(T)+serial number, start from 001
Dutch stations transmit their Province abbreviation:
GR, FR, DR, OV, GD, UT, NH, ZH, FL, ZL, NB, LB (12)

QSO Points
each QSO with a PA/PB/PI station yields one point
a station may be worked only once per band, regardless
of the mode

1 multiplier per Province, per band. Maximum 6*12=72

Final score
the total of all QSO points on all bands, multiplied by the
total of all multiplier points on all bands (a la CQ WW)

each different Dutch station per band counts for 1 point
complete exchange of both Dutch and foreign station must
be logged

separate sheet per band, submit score calculation
multipliers should appear only when new
please sign log for observation of the contest rules
mail log no later than March 31st, 1997 to:
                            Frank E. van Dijk PA3BFM
                            Middellaan 24
                            3721 PH  Bilthoven
                            Netherlands, Europe

a contest certificate will be awarded to the high scorers in each 
country in each entry class. No fee.
The PACC Award can be obtained for working 100 different PA/PB/PI stations
in the PACC Contest, without submitting QSLs. Send application together with
contest log and USD 6,- fee to contest organizer.
Condensed version: work different Dutch stations on each of the bands 
10-160 meters (No WARC) in CW or SSB. Transmit RS(T) plus serial 
number. Dutch stations transmit their Province abbreviation: GR, FR, DR,
OV, GD, UT, NH, ZH, FL, ZL, NB, LB (total 12) which count as multiplier
per band. Scoring: each different Dutch station per band yields 1 point.
Final score: total band QSO points multiplied by total band multipliers.

 +                                                +
      PA3BFM            JO22OC  
            Frank E. van Dijk  
              Middellaan 24
           3721 PH  Bilthoven
     E-mail:  six at
  Packet: PA3BFM at PI8WNO
    phone:  ++31302287223
 +                                                +

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