just like 20 years ago

BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com
Thu Sep 19 23:43:18 EDT 1996

Well, the envelope is sealed, the proof read application with the check and
photocopy of my current license are attached, and this will undoubtedly be an
extremely stressful few weeks waiting on the FCC.

Is there a website I can monitor each evening to see which of my CONTEST
driven callsign requests I will receive?  Can you spare a Tagamet?

While my business instinct was to go with Fed-Ex, I felt there might be
anomosity on the part of a Gov't employee seeing usage of something other
than the U S Postal Service...so: Express Mail it is, Fly Eagle Fly....gulp.

The last time I did this was 20 years ago, when I made the move from a two by
three to a one by two - talk about a big upgrade - but, I think I am maybe
even more tense this time round.....and what the hell am I gonna do after I
get my new call, I have been staring at my callsign wishlist hanging on the
wall next to the computer for two years!  Guess it will be time to get back
to antenna designs.

Is the "new call / old call reflector" (NCOC.com) up yet, or are K5RC and
K5TM going to do a new call issue NCJ flashback issue?

I think I will NOT have the paddle on the desk for the next few contests,
after gawd knows howmany times I squeezed out K1ZX I am sure it will wanna
ooze out....without the paddle the F4 key and the KC keyer can be trusted to
send the right thing, eh.


Jim........the ham formerly known as K1ZX   x

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