Barry Kutner w2up at
Fri Sep 27 15:29:56 EDT 1996

One comment I've seen repeated over the years is that the better 
single-ops don't use packet, while the SOAs are a different class of 
operator and/or station; hence, the better scores in SO vs SOA. This may be 
true in individual cases, but I don't believe it's the rule.

Also, it's very easy to say, as a single op, "gee, I'd definitely do 
better with packet." To those who say it, have you tried it? 
Personally, when I operate SOA, I try to ignore packet as much as 
possible, especially the first 24h. It's very easy to kill a good 
run by chasing packet spots. This can hinder the score more than help 

One solution would be to permit all to use packet. It would eliminate 
the "is this guy cheating by using packet" question that keeps 
popping up. And, it would answer the question "are the SO ops the 
real macho men/champions they say they are."


Barry Kutner, W2UP                           Internet: w2up at
Newtown, PA                   FRC            alternate: barry at

>From aa7bg at (AA7BG Matt Trott)  Fri Sep 27 19:39:27 1996
From: aa7bg at (AA7BG Matt Trott) (AA7BG Matt Trott)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 12:39:27 -0600
Subject: Sum:Yagi Resonance
Message-ID: <199609271839.MAA02175 at>

Thanks to all for the responses regarding resonant frequency changes as
antennas are raised above ground. The short and sweet of it is (for those
that don't know...I didn't):

        The higher the antenna, the higher the resonant freek due to the
decreased capacitive coupling with ground.

73, Perris Ittik

>From n6nd at (Rick Craig, N6ND)  Fri Sep 27 20:03:33 1996
From: n6nd at (Rick Craig, N6ND) (Rick Craig, N6ND)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 19:03:33 +0000
Subject: Multiple-Choice Packet-in-Contests Quiz
Message-ID: <3.0b15.32.19960927190234.0069c3f4 at>

I believe every "large, popular international DX contest" has in its published
(or unpublished in the case of CQWW) rules that the decisions of the judges 
(or contest committee) are final and that all participants are bound by those
decisions.  If you can make a good case that a single op station is using 
packet spots to find multipliers, then his log should be reclassified to
SOA.  What's the problem with that??  If the committee (or judges) doesn't
have the balls to enforce the contest rules, then we are all beating a dead

I don't think it's that difficult to determine if a station is using packet
spots, the cluster sysops will be glad to provide a log of the cluster spots
made during a contest.  A comparison of the times of the spots and times the
station S/P's a mult will reveal the patterns fairly quickly.

Frankly, Dick, you're starting to sound like a late 50's AMer complaining 
about the Donald Duck signals on the band.  DX Clusters are here to stay and
people are going to continue to use them in contests because they are having
fun doing so. I think it's time for you to lighten up and have some fun 
yourself instead of worrying about whether there were one or two shooters on
the grassy knoll.

73 Rick, N6ND

Rick Craig, N6ND
n6nd at
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable
from magic. -Clarke's Third Law

>From dave at (David Clemons)  Fri Sep 27 20:31:14 1996
From: dave at (David Clemons) (David Clemons)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 15:31:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Multiple-Choice Packet-in-Contests Quiz/The Real Question (LONG)
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960927152842.23703A-100000 at>


        The choices here leave a log checker/judge truly between the rock
and a hard place.  The fact is that cheating has been going on about as
long as the human race has been around.  More to the point, some of us
have probably heard of incidents where a big contester's voice was recognized
on a 2 meter repeater begging for more DX spots (before packet was invented).
Anyone who has read the manual for their TNC can figure out how to get packet
spots without anyone else being able to prove it.  Last, but not least,
although almost everyone knows how to do it, the majority of us not only do
not cheat but also would in some degree be angered by getting beat out by a
cheater.  Also, I don't believe that legalizing crime ever had a positive
effect on society, so I don't go along with the idea that we should just
combine the SO and SOA classes because some SO ops really are operating SOA.

        I have to say that I am impressed with the accuracy of the log
checking software by N6AA (and I think N6TR is involved too?).  I have a
graduate degree in CS and consider myself a competent software engineer type,
but imagining the amount of work involved in this sort of analysis gives me
the shivers.  My hat is off to you guys.

        A parallel issue is the use of uniques in checking logs.  I have 
never been a fan of the idea of disqualification due to excessive uniques 
but have of late realized that large enough databases can give a real 
good picture of a person's logging accuracy.  At this time, I can probably 
be talked into its merits if the percentage is chosen to be high enough 
that genuine uniques are not the cause of disqualification.  From figures 
I've seen, perhaps somewhere between 10%-15% might provide such safety.

        Thus I have to say that I might also embrace the idea of
reclassifying logs if it can be shown that, without a reasonable doubt, a
particular op has used packet.  The reasonable doubt can only be eliminated
by using a high enough threshold of probable packet QSOs in order to avoid
wrong conclusions about the particular operator.  I have no idea of what
constitutes such a safe threshold, but I do know that as a SO I have been
S&P'ing and stumbled across a choice DX call just seconds before it hit some
packet network(s) - my AGC made it evident.  I would really hate to be 
wrongly accused and reclassified on the basis of honest S&P's which 
coincidentally were spotted by someone else.

        I think you can sign me up for choice #5 (reclassification) if ample
assurances can be made that the threshold is high enough to protect the

73, Dave Clemons K1VUT

>From ON7SS at (Marc Domen)  Fri Sep 27 20:15:43 1996
From: ON7SS at (Marc Domen) (Marc Domen)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 21:15:43 +0200
Message-ID: <199609271915.VAA14859 at>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Rules for non ON stations

The UBA has the honour to announce that this contest will be
challenged under the Patronage of the EC Commission, responsible
for Communication, Information and Culture.
The 10th EUROPEAN COMMUNITY TROPHY will be awarded to the highest
scoring EC member station from both the CW and SSB Class B compe-

1.  Purpose:
     To contact as many Belgian and other amateurs as possible
     and to provide a way to achieve the WABP and the EC Awards
     in the "UBA Contest".

2.  Periods :
          13:00 UTC Saturday to 13:00 UTC Sunday.
               SSB 25 - 26 January  1997.
               CW  22 - 23 February 1997.

3.  Classes :
     A. Single Operator Single Band  (A10, A15, A20, A40, A80).
     B. Single Operator Multi Band (5 bands).
     C. Multi Operator Single Transmitter (5 bands).
     D. QRP 5 watt output, as class B.
     E. SWL, as class B (Rules under item 10).

4.  Bands :
     On 10,15, 20, 40 and 80m. The use of the IARU Region 1
     recommended contest frequencies is mandatory in this
     SSB : 3.600-3.650; 3.700-3.800; 7.040-7.100; 14.125-14.300;
     21.175-21.350 and 28.400-28.700 MHz.
     CW  : 3.500-3.560; 7.000-7.035; 14.000-14.060; 21.000-21.080
     and  28.000-28.070 MHz.

5.  Contest Call and exchange :
   - Exchange: RS(T) + serial number starting from 001.  
               Note that Belgian stations give their province ab-
               breviation which is a mandatory part of the
               exchange (e.g. 59001/AN).

6.  Scoring :
   - Each QSO with  a Belgian station  counts 10 points.
   - Each QSO with another EC member stations as listed below
     counts 3 points.
   - QSO's with any other station  outside the EC counts 1 point.

7.  Multipliers per band :
   - All Belgian provinces : AN, BW, HT, LB, LG, NM, LU, OV, VB
     and WV.  The region of Brussels : BR

   - All Belgian prefixes e.g. ON4, ON5, ON6, ON7, ON8, ON9, OT6,
     OS4, etc, etc....
   - The following DXCC countries from the European Community:
     CT, CU, DL, EA, EA6, EI, F, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, I,
     IS, LX, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OZ, PA, SM, SV, SV5, SV9, SY and

8.  Final score :
          Total QSO points (from all bands) times the total
          number of multiplier points (from all bands).
9.  Special Conditions :
  -  The use of DX-Cluster facilities is permitted.
  -  10 minute rule: A station must remain for at least 10
     minutes on a specific band. The starting time on a new band
     is not necessarely the time of the first QSO on that band,
     it can also be the time of the last QSO on the previous band
     (listening time on the new band, prior to the first contact
     is accepted).

10. Logs :
     Each log must include a summary sheet showing the detailed
     scoring information (QSO's, points an multipliers per band.
     Use the appropriate designation to mark your entry Class
     (A10, A15, A20, A40, A80, B, C, D, E). The log summary sheet
     shall contain the following signed declaration : "I declare
     that all contest rules and all the rules and regulations for
     amateur radio operations in my country have been observed
     and adhered to. I accept the decisions of the Contest
     Committee". The IARU Region 1 standard format sheets are

Remarks :
     Computer logs: Computer logs  on 5" 1/4 or 3" 1/2 diskettes
     can only be accepted if the file format is ASCII. One QSO
     per record is mandatory (ending with CR/LF) for computer
     processing. The name of the file will be MYCALL.LOG (MYCALL
     being your own call). Logs prouced by CT (K1EA) are accepted
     in an ASCII format. We prefer the file MYCALL.LOG of EI5DI
     or the logs generated by the ARI Contest programm as these
     are specially written for this contest.
     A selection of pictures of operators in action will be
     published with the results. Please send your comments with
     your contest log.
     All logs must be postmarked not later than 30 days after the
     contest. Late logs will not be considered for the
     competition. The logs must be send to : 
          UBA HF MANAGER
          B-8755 RUISELEDE

     Only stations taking part in the Contest may be logged for
     scoring purposes. Logs should show in columns: Time (UTC),
     callsign of "Station Heard", complete exchange sent by this
     station, callsign of station being worked, a RS(T) report on
     "Station Heard" at SWL's QTH, new multiplier and points
     claimed. If both sides of a contest contact are heard they
     may be claimed as separate stations and the callsigns have
     to appear in the "Station Heard" column.
     A station may only appear once per band as station heard. In
     the column "Station Worked" the same station may not be
     logged more than 10 times per band.

12. Awards.
     The stations having sent US $ 5.00 with their log will
     receive the results by direct mail. 
     Awards will be sen to the highest scoring stations from each
     class in each country and W, VE, PY, ZL, JA and VK call area
     provided they have logged at least 40 valid contacts. Other
     participants receive a certificate when 40 valid contacts
     are logged.
     The EC TROPHIES go to the EC winners of class B of both the
     CW an the Phone contest.

13. Penalties and disqualification :
     -    Incomplete or incorrect exchange: the QSO will count
          for zero points, but no additional penalty will be
     -    Deduction of 10 times QSO value for any unmarked
          duplicate contact.
     -    For cheating, imaginary logging and clear, repetitive
          and intentional violation of the contest rules.  
     -    If the total amount of penalty points (see above)
          amounts to more than 2 %  of the submitted score, the
          participant will be disqualified.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

* Amateur Radio Station ON7SS                * 
* Marc Domen      UBA HF Contest Manager     *
* Ferd.Coosemansstraat 32                    *
* B - 2600  Berchem (Antwerpen)  BELGIUM     *
* Tel:03-218.52.60                           * 
* AX25 Packet BBS  ON7SS @ON1ANR.#AN.BEL.EU  *
* Internet         ON7SS at              *   


>From kitchens at (John Kitchens)  Fri Sep 27 20:49:24 1996
From: kitchens at (John Kitchens) (John Kitchens)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 12:49:24 -0700
Subject: socal dx cluster
Message-ID: <324C2FC4.16B9 at>

Ong story, but I lost the freqs for the the Southern California area DX 
Packet Clusters, specifically in Los Angeles and Ventura County areas.  I 
used to have a map, but can't find it, and the memory in the radio died. 
 Please send email, or fax at 213-847-5458.

John, NS6X

>From cshinn at (charles d. shinn)  Sat Sep 28 00:09:21 1996
From: cshinn at (charles d. shinn) (charles d. shinn)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 16:09:21 -0700
Subject: New Kenwood Radio Announced
Message-ID: <01BBAC8E.73AEF540 at>

Good news gang! Kenwood has announced a new radio today- the Kenwood =
TS-570D. From the ad slicks it really looks like a FB rig. This radio =
was obviously designed with the new distribution and sales channels in =
mind. Sharing the front panel with a very nice weighted optically =
encoded VFO knob is a 40 position detented switch assembly enabling =
quick QSY's from HF to CB.
Although it would give the appearance of dual VFO and receiver mixed =
audio, alas it comes with neither. However, included at no additional =
charge is a ROGER "BEEP" button and some new enticing features only =
found in this radios DSP circuitry. Along with standard features of =
bandwidth and noise cancelling come a new digital ECHO and digitally =
mastered waterfall background sounds for taking over that bothersome =
QRM'ed channel.The waterfall emulator has its own PTT control so as not =
to wear out your fingers.Yes gang. this radio has enabled XMIT on 10mhz =
for those wishing a higher profile in their radio life.These radios =
should be in your dealers soon so call now! 

>From cshinn at (charles d. shinn)  Sat Sep 28 00:30:05 1996
From: cshinn at (charles d. shinn) (charles d. shinn)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 16:30:05 -0700
Subject: CQWW CW
Message-ID: <01BBAC91.2780ABC0 at>

The Top Ten reasons why I cant make the Top Ten in the CQWW CW:

#10 You sign 6E5EBE with a hand key.

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