[CQ-Contest] :-) New CONTEST Magazine :-)
henrypol2 at juno.com
henrypol2 at juno.com
Tue Apr 1 03:16:17 EST 1997
Just received a proof copy of the premier issue of "The Big Gun Journal"
from the editor, W4QRO. It seems that since W4QRO's spotlight in NCJ
last year, he has been busy doing consulting work for other contesters.
Doing this consultation work was 'paying the bills'; however, after word
got out on 75 meters about his abilities, ..... well, let's just say he
has no financial worries for the future. As a result, he was able to
contribute to the past re-election campaign of President Clinton, and
instead of accepting a night in the Lincoln bedroom at the White Pagoda,
he was able to acquire several hundred acres from a defunct land
development in Arkansas. Thus, being comfortably retired at his new
hilltop mansion, he needed something to do, so he decided that we needed
another contesting magazine. So here's what's inside the first issue....
Front cover photo of a used Eimac 3CX10000 ceramic tube (very appropriate
for this magazine).
Feature Articles:
High SWR = High Power, Using LASER Properties to Increase RF Power (make
that 100 watt rig generate 10KW at the antenna feed point using inline
coax devices made from junk box parts, rejected article from Scientific
American's Amateur Scientist)
Modifying Your KT34XA or TH11DX to a C3 (no extra parts to buy, including
details on how to melt down leftover aluminum tubing into rivets)
Modifying the Kenwood TS830S - Add Second VFO/Receiver, Internal Antenna
Tuner, 101 Memories, Real IF DSP, Auto-Final Tune, and PC Interface (all
of this without drilling holes in the front panel, using existing
controls, moves VOX operation to rear panel, replaces S-meter with small
multi functional LCD panel, menu items selected with old DH switch)
The Sunspot Conspiracy (how NASA, Disney Studios, and George Lucas are
delaying the return of high sunspot numbers)
Regular Columns:
Editorial - Rotation of Contest Weekends (CQ WPX in Oct/Nov and CQ WWDXC
in Apr/May, etc.)
Op-Ed - Why Can't We Buy a Basic FT1000MP? (without the antenna tuner,
second receiver, AC supply, and 85 memories)
Antennas - Cloning EWEs for 40 through 2 Meters; Hardware Corrosion
Prevention - Gold Plated Stainless Steel
Book Review - "2001, A Sunspot Odyssey"
Movie Review - "Invasion of the Sunspot Snatchers"
Monthly Centerfold Picture - Old Rigs I Have Owned/Wished I Had Owned
(this month, Halicrafters SR2000 "Hurricane")
Operating Contests - Guest Operating at the Washington Monument during
160 Meter Contests (requires $50,000 donation, bring your own gamma
rod); 101 Ways to Sign Portable; and How To Disguise the CQ-Contest
Reflector Announcement of Your Next Contest Operation (sorry Trey)
Rotators - Use of Old LP Record Turntables to Rotate Antennas; Using
World War II Battleship Gun Turret Assemblies to Rotate Towers; How to
Orient Rotators to "True North"
Towers - Plumber's Delight, Use PVC (build a 100 ft tower from PVC tubing
and fittings)
Technical - How to Lengthen Short Circuits
Contest Results - Claimed Scores from 97 Poisson D'Avril
OK, I know all of you are wanting a copy of this monumental first issue,
and are wondering how to subscribe. Well, not to worry, W4QRO took care
of this for you. He was able to obtain a huge grant from the National
Rifle Association (NRA) based on the name alone, and along with his
connections in Washington, has received additional funding from some Far
Eastern government. As a result, every contester will be receiving a
copy, so start checking your mailboxes. :-)
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
Raleigh, NC
CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com
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