[CQ-Contest] WPX Changes

De Syam syam at Glue.umd.edu
Thu Apr 3 08:51:42 EST 1997

Here's my vote to keep it like it is.  The WPX has been around for almost
40 years.  I liked it when I was running a Viking II and a Trap Doublet in
the black hole of Wisconsin as W9SZR, and I like it now.  There is plenty
of activity;  the saying:  "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

More of the "find me a contest only I can win" syndrome, methinks.

                                   Very 73,

                                 Fred Laun, K3ZO

P. S.  No opinion on the 30 vs 36 hours debate -- whatever you like is
fine with me. 

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