[CQ-Contest] WPX RULES

b ly2bil at ly1xx.ampr.org
Sun Apr 6 13:55:14 EDT 1997

From: ly2bil at ly1xx (b)
To: cq-contest at contesting.com


My vote is "no changes".

Giving points for contacts in own country will make
WPX similar to IARU contest (who likes it? Only the fact
that WRTC is going on somewhere in W6 gives warm
feelings and wish to operate).

I am multiop operator, but once tried single in WPX CW
and 36 hours was just fine. 30 hours would only change
tactics for me, the Contest wouldn't become "better" or 
"worse". But WPX is my favourite and I want more hours
of fun. So 36 hours.

73 Rytis LY2BIL (op UK2BBB, BAS, UP1BZZ, 7A, 9A etc)

P.S. Cu in EA RTTY this weekend from LY1BZB

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