[CQ-Contest] WPX rules

Robert Orehoci robert at times.hr
Tue Apr 8 11:11:03 EDT 1997

Hi there !!!

I'am 27 years old. With 11 years on my back I take part in first contest and
made 1 QSO. In my club there was no old OP so I just read
from amateur magazine what is contest and what you do. During last 16 year I
improve my skil. So maybe I can say something ...

My vote is to divide word result to continent result.
Even then there will OK station which can not compete with IG9 from
political EU and geographical AF .
My team 9A1A always delete from result teams from world and then say we are ...

If we beat someone from Caribian there is few reason : 
    1. they forget to switch on RX
    2. the bear was to cold and TX to hot
    3. they miss the contest week
    4. we send our man there

So , what I want to write. 
I enjoy in friendship, in good and bad condition, in good bear, in pile ups,
so no one rules can take me that !!!

   de Robert 9A3GW/9A1A/K6B

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