JATKO:Re: [CQ-Contest] New Contest?

Klimoff Timo timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi
Tue Apr 8 13:07:19 EDT 1997

>At 20:12 07/04/97 -0400, K3BU wrote:

>>P.S. Finally, with all the money I "made" from sponsorship by ICOM, Kenwood
>>and Yaesu I can afford now color QSL cards, different for each contest
>>operation (all QSOs QSLd automatically 100% via bureau). Those who collect 12
>>cards will get beautifull certificate - at no charge. More details on
>>upcoming RADIOSPORTING Home Page.

I still know some hams who I are waiting their next issue of RADIOSPORTING
magazine (by VE3BMV). At least they paid it for.
We also are waiting (OH1AF)for our IRSA Contest Awards! !!!!

             Timo Klimoff (OH1NOA/OH0NOA)

Email:       timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi

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