[CQ-Contest] My Phillystran Article

Fred Hopengarten k1vr at juno.com
Mon Apr 14 11:21:50 EDT 1997

Some years ago, I wrote a product review article entitled:  "Phillystran
- A Non-metallic Guy," which appeared in the National Contest Journal, on
pp. 16-18.  But I don't know what issue.  I cut it out and tossed the
rest of the magazine before noting the issue.

Can anyone tell me which issue that article appeared in?  Volume and
number, month and year?

Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
Six Willarch Road; Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
617/259-0088; e-mail:  k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com or k1vr at juno.com

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