[CQ-Contest] hello WPX'ers

Dan Weisenburger kw4t at erols.com
Sun Apr 13 21:38:41 EDT 1997

Hi Doug,

Here's a breakdown of the 1997 WPX zero point QSO's at KW4T.

The prefix used was, of course, KW4.  

This is a single band effort with Low Power.

Tot (Q)    Tot (P)    Tot U.S.(Q)   U.S. (P)     Unscorable (Q)
 243        186         133            82              51
 100%       100%        54.7% (Q)      22.7%(P)        21% (Q)

Avg QSO Value With Zero Pointers 505.2 points

Avg QSO Value with 1 point for U.S. 606 points

Avg QSO if Zero/Zero qso's ignored 639 points

The bottom line on 40 meters, Maybe I don't need the tenth W4, but I
know he needs my prefix.  I do stop and answer their CQ's even when it's 
not a multiplier for me.

Another interesting observation,  I operate the band at several different 
time blocks to maximize the U.S. prefixes but still miss an incredible
amount of the most common K,N,and W, 1 x's - and almost all WA, WB, KA, & 
KB 2 x's Prefixes.  This represents 69 prefixes which should be easily
found during the contest, including the QRP, All Band and 40 meter ops as
reported in the last two years of results. Only 44 of these prefixes 
found their way into the log.  This means, that of the 82 U.S. prefixes 
worked here, less than 50% were from the 1978 callsign changes.  I 
suppose the Vanity callsign program might have had a little to do with 
losing the variety of prefixes but then then out of 30 1 x's possible
only 80% found their way into the log.

73 from Lake Moneysgone,  Dan,  KW4T

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