[CQ-Contest] Windows 95

Alan Braun albraun at socketis.net
Thu Apr 17 00:07:52 EDT 1997

In <9704160732.ZM12347 at uxts0004.cup.hp.com>, on 04/16/97 
   at 07:32 AM, "Jim Hollenback" <jholly at cup.hp.com> said:

>Another solution would be to use a product like 'boot commander' so that
>you can have multiple boot capability. This way you can have your DOS,
>WIN3.1, Windows95, NT, UNIX, and what not all available on disk, in
>separate partitions, and can boot whatever you want at the time.

OS/2 has a "boot manager" as part of the operating system (You have to
do an advanced rather than automatic install to get it though) which
does exactly what you're talking about here.  I use it whenever I run
CT or TR to boot DOS & do everything else with OS/2.  Works great.

73 - Alan NS0B

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Alan Braun MD, NS0B/V31EV *Internet: albraun at socketis.net       *
* Jefferson City, MO        *Packet: NS0B at N0LBA.#cemo.mo.usa.noam *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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