[CQ-Contest] Contester Aids (Novelty)

00tlzivney at bsuvc.bsu.edu 00tlzivney at bsuvc.bsu.edu
Fri Apr 25 14:58:47 EDT 1997

I received an unsolicited catalog in the mail yesterday from "Healthy 
Living" in Cleveland, Ohio that had several items of interest to

1- p. 37 - "Posterior relief" looks like a large donut which is 
"inflatable , one-piece self sealing cushion" to put on your operating
chair - who needs one of those expensive executive chairs when this is
onbly $12.99 for the large size?

2 - p. 43 - "A system of protection" fits like an "athletic support, the
sheath holds 5 oz while the collector bag holds 20 oz. Adjustable
waistband conforms to any waist.  One size fits all"  Only $34.99
Ideal for holding the low end of 20

2a - p. 42 - potable urinals Mens $5.99/womens $6.99 "anatomically
contoured for a proper fit"

3 - p. 24 ' "Make every sound you face seem closer and clearer with
Plus Ear tm.  Unique headsset of parabolic shells fit behind your
ears to reflect and magnify sound.  Also blocks noises from your
sides and back to prevent distractions. Adjustable for a comfortable
fit."  $9.99 - obviously only for fone operators (i.e., those who
listen on speakers.

4 - p. 76 - "Boost reception on radios"  "Just slide the 'Power Tip'
over your existing antenna and the internal copper instantly brings
clearer reception and increased range with less distortion.   Used by
the military for years.  No electricity or batteries needed."  $9.99
This looks like the balls on the end of the Telrex antennas - the
secret is out!

5 - p. 79 - for those still logging by hand - "Help for shaky penmanship"
"The Steady Write always gives the correct angle so your handwriting
is neat and legible" $5.99

The toll free number for these beauties is 1-800-800-0100

Now if the contest scores go up this year, you know why.

Terry Zivney, N4TZ/9
00tlzivney at bsuvc.bsu.edu

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