[CQ-Contest] Contester Aids (Novelty)

John Nicholson k7fd at netbridge.net
Fri Apr 25 20:13:44 EDT 1997

Larry Lindblom-wa0etc wrote:
> 00tlzivney at bsuvc.bsu.edu wrote:
> >
> > I received an unsolicited catalog in the mail yesterday from "Healthy
> > Living" in Cleveland, Ohio that had several items of interest to
> > contesters:
> ----------------------------------snip----------------------------------
> >
> > 2a - p. 42 - potable urinals Mens $5.99/womens $6.99 "anatomically
> > contoured for a proper fit"
> >---------------------------------snip----------------------------------
> >
> > Now if the contest scores go up this year, you know why.
> >
> > Terry Zivney, N4TZ/9
> > 00tlzivney at bsuvc.bsu.edu
> >
> Terry save yourself the $5.99, use the MSPC (Midwestern Society of Poor
> Contesters) method.  Go to the dumpster behind your favorite restaurant
> and look for a one gallon plastic jug they picthed in the trash.  Then
> buy a 99 cent funnel and a few feet of rubber hose.  It holds a lot more
> than the $5.99 urinal ever will (capacity of 128 ounces).  It is the
> cheapest 'gallon" you'll ever get for 20 meters.
> Oh, if your really poor you can skip the hose and funnel-it just
> requires more coorination to use it while running a pile-up.
> 73, Larry L
> wa0etc

Could it be some of us contesters are real "pee" brains?

73 John K7FD

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