[CQ-Contest] TELNET and packetcluster settings

n4si at pobox.com n4si at pobox.com
Sat Apr 26 03:57:36 EDT 1997

> When I was using Windows 3.11, I was able to disable the 'beep' that sounded
> when a new spot came out on the cluster. Now I am trying Windows 95 and I
> cannot get rid of the 'beep' when a spot occurs. Anyone out there have any
> luck with removing this noise?

Send "SEt/NOBeep" to the 'Cluster (the capital letters are required, 
the others are optional).

You can create a file on the 'Cluster that includes SEt/NOBeep, 
SEt/PAGE 999, and whatever others you might want as defaults. 

Just type UPLoad/USercmd KN5H (or whatever call is in your TNC).
Then follow the directions (SEt/NOBeep  SEt/PAGE 999). This way, each
time you connect (or get reconnected) to your node, the beep will be
off and you can read bulletins and files without the annoying <press
enter to continue> messages.

Type <CTRL Z> to complete.

73, Rod N4SI
    The DXer formerly known as N9AKE
         (c) 5 November, 1996

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