[CQ-Contest] TNX fer Logging help

Mike dxhound at lightspeed.net
Fri Aug 1 22:49:05 EDT 1997

I want to thank all of those who replied to my request for a logging
program for NAQP: here are the results

TRLog.......9 votes
NA..........7 votes
Either/or...2 votes

I recieved a copy of each that was greatly appreciated, I think I thanked
both that did it, if not Thank You!

I have played with both, and think I might use The TRLog this time, as I
only have the shareware of each and it seems to be the best of the oldies.
I think I have learned enough of it in one night to do the contest.

Broke the yagi this afternoon so have to go opertate from someone else's
place, gotta drag my shack to his.

See ya in the contest,
dxhound at lightspeed.net

P.S. Anyone know where to get Telrex parts???

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