[CQ-Contest] 1 radio vs. 2 radios

Greg Fields aa0ob at skypoint.com
Tue Aug 5 19:09:26 EDT 1997

At 04:26 AM 8/5/97 +0100, WD4AHZ wrote:

>My thoughts are, is it possible or of any benefit to anyone else, other
>than myself, to somehow indicate those stations who use 1 radio vs. 2??
>No ... I'm not looking to create another category just for me, but I
>would like to see why my scores "seem" to go up, but my standing in the
>final scores go down. If it's because I'm using one radio and the other
>guy is using 2, that would explain it, and I can deal with it!  But if
>it's because I'm not competitive enough or slacking off, I'd like to
>know that, so I can make improvements (short of more antennas and a
>second radio!).  Any ideas how the 1 radio, little pistol crowd can tell
>how we're doing?

I too would like to see something in the final listings of a contest
that would indicate if the contestant was using 2 radios. How about 
just a asterisks next to the call to indicate two radios? I'm not 
calling for a separate category but, I would like to compare apples
to apples when looking at the scores. I don't feel that it's a true
comparison when looking at someone's score who was running two rigs.
I'm working on joining the two radio crowd to try to be more competitive.
When I was sitting there calling CQ with no takers at times in the NAQP
I could really see how I could have used the second rig. We don't need
a separate category for two rigs do we? It's just what it takes anymore
to be competitive.


Greg Fields K0OB (Previously AA0OB)
Minneapolis, Minnesota

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