[CQ-Contest] 1 radio vs. 2 radios

Ray Rocker rocker at datasync.com
Thu Aug 7 20:18:11 EDT 1997

> Why is nobody asking for the same distiction for stations with multiple 
> towers?  How about stations with Alpha 87A's?  For that matter, I think 
> a SO Assisted station with a 9600 baud packet backbone should be 
> designated with a '+' next to his call to designate the advantage of a 
> fast packet system.  
> I'll spend my time trying to improve my skills and my station.  Not 
> trying to diminish someone elses hard work and skill.

How, pray tell, is adding more data to the line scores -- for 
informational purposes only, not having any effect on one's score --
going to "diminish someone elses hard work and skill"? I haven't 
heard anyone advocate splitting up entry classes or altering the 
criteria for winning in any way. 

-- Ray, WQ5L  rocker at datasync.com

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