[CQ-Contest] Contest Calendar Vers.97.8

Bruce Horn bhorn at netcom.com
Fri Aug 15 07:56:19 EDT 1997

                              CONTEST CALENDAR
                  August 15, 1997 Edition (97.8) (no 97.7 issued)

Please send corrections and additions directly to me.  I will post an
updated calendar on a monthly basis.  Thanks to LA9HW, K5DJ, W7TSQ, I2UIY,
VE2PIJ, K4JRB, K6AW, JE1CKA, YO3CTK, and W2CC for contest info.

An HTML version of the calendar is available on request, or the most recent
calendar may be found at:  http://www.primenet.com/~scdxc/contestcal.html

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at netcom.com)

The contest calendar is divided into two sections:
  1) CONTEST CALENDAR: Calendar showing dates and times of scheduled
  2) CONTEST LOG SUBMITTAL DEADLINES: Deadlines and addresses for
                       submitting logs for contests that have
                       already occurred or whose deadline will pass
                       before the next issue of the calendar.

Please note that you may not be able to operate during all of the total
hours of the contests listed below. Total operating time may also vary
by entry category. See individual contest rules for allowed operating

August 1997

  SARTG WW RTTY Contest          0000Z-0800Z and 1600Z-2400Z, Aug 16 and
                                   0800Z-1600Z, Aug 17
  SEANET WW DX Contest, SSB      0000Z, Aug 16 to 2359Z, Aug 17
  Keyman's Club of Japan Contest 1200Z, Aug 16 to 1200Z, Aug 17
  W/VE Islands Contest           1700Z, Aug 16 to 2300Z, Aug 17
  North Amer. QSO Party, Phone   1800Z, Aug 16 to 0600Z, Aug 17
  New Jersey QSO Party           2000Z, Aug 16 to 0700Z, Aug 17 and
                                   1300Z, Aug 17 to 0200Z, Aug 18
  ARRL 10 GHz Cumul. Contest     0800-2000 local time, Aug 17 and Aug 18
  TOEC WW Grid Contest, CW       1200Z, Aug 23 to 1200Z, Aug 24
  Colorado QRP Club QSO Party    1800Z-2359Z, Aug 24

September 1997

  All Asian DX Contest, SSB      0000Z, Sep 6 to 2400Z, Sep 7
  IARU Reg 1 Field Day, SSB      1500Z, Sep 6 to 1500Z, Sep 7
  North American Sprint, CW      0000Z-0359Z, Sep 7
  WAE DX Contest, SSB            0000Z, Sep 13 to 2400Z, Sep 14
  ARRL September VHF QSO Party   1800Z, Sep 13 to 0300Z, Sep 15
  North American Sprint, Phone   0000Z-0359Z, Sep 14
  Air Force 50th Anniv QSO Party 0001Z, Sep 20 to 2359Z, Sep 21
  Washington State Salmon Run    1600Z, Sep 20 to 0700Z, Sep 21 and
                                   1600Z-2400Z, Sep 21
  ARRL 10 GHz Cumul. Contest     0800-2000 local time, Sep 20 and Sep 21
  Scandinavian Act. Contest, CW  1500Z, Sep 20 to 1800Z, Sep 21
  Atlantic QSO Party, SSB        0000Z-2400Z, Sep 21
  CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY  0000Z, Sep 27 to 2400Z, Sep 28
  Scandinavian Act. Contest, SSB 1500Z, Sep 27 to 1800Z, Sep 28

October 1997

  VK/ZL/Oceania Contest, Phone   1000Z, Oct 4 to 1000Z, Oct 5
  EU Autumn Sprint, SSB          1500Z-1859Z, Oct 4
  California QSO Party           1600Z, Oct 4 to 2200Z, Oct 5
  RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest, SSB    0700Z-1900Z, Oct 5
  InterNET RTTY Sprint Contest   0100Z-0300Z, Oct 8
  VK/ZL/Oceania Contest, CW      1000Z, Oct 11 to 1000Z, Oct 12
  EU Autumn Sprint, CW           1500Z-1859Z, Oct 11
  Pennsylvania QSO Party         1600Z-2400Z, Oct 11 and 0000Z-0500Z and
                                   1300Z-2200Z, Oct 12
  JARTS WW RTTY Contest          0000Z, Oct 18 to 2400Z, Oct 19
  QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party, CW    1200Z, Oct 18 to 2400Z, Oct 19
  Asia-Pacific Sprint (CW)       1230Z-1430Z, Oct 18
  Worked All Germany Contest     1500Z, Oct 18 to 1500Z, Oct 19
  RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest, CW     0700Z-1900Z, Oct 19
  CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB   0000Z, Oct 25 to 2400Z, Oct 26

November 1997

  Ukranian DX Contest            1200Z, Nov 1 to 1200Z, Nov 2
  ARRL Sweepstakes, CW           2100Z, Nov 1 to 0300Z, Nov 3
  High Speed Club CW Contest     0900Z-1100Z and 1500Z-1700Z, Nov 2
  Japan Int.DX Contest, Phone    2300Z, Nov 7 to 2300Z, Nov 9
  WAE DX Contest, RTTY           0000Z, Nov 8 to 2400Z, Nov 9
  IARU Reg.1 160m Contest, CW    1400Z, Nov 15 to 0800Z, Nov 16
  ARRL Sweepstakes, Phone        2100Z, Nov 15 to 0300Z, Nov 17
  CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW    0000Z, Nov 29 to 2400Z, Nov 30

December 1997

  ARRL 160-Meter Contest         2200Z, Dec 5 to 1600Z, Dec 7
  FAIRS HF DX Data Contest       0000Z, Dec 6 to 2400Z, Dec 7
  ARRL 10-Meter Contest          0000Z, Dec 13 to 2400Z, Dec 14
  TARA RTTY Sprint               1800Z, Dec 13 to 0200Z, Dec 14
  RAC Canada Winter Contest      0000Z-2400Z, Dec 28

End of calendar section

Please consult the individual contest rules to determine what log
documentation must be submitted (i.e. summary sheet, dupe sheets, etc.).

  North Amer.QSO Party, RTTY    August 19, 1997
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Ron Stailey, K5DJ
           504 Dove Haven Dr.
           Round Rock, TX  78664-5926

  IOTA Contest                  August 31, 1997
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  RSGB IOTA Contest
           P.O. Box 9
           Potters Bar
           Herts  EN6 3JE  UK

  North American QSO Party, CW  September 2, 1997
    E-mail:  w9nq at ccis.com
    Mail:  Bob Selbrede, K6ZZ
           6200 Natoma Ave.
           Mojave, CA  93501

  YO DX Contest                 September 2, 1997
    E-mail:  yo3ctk at alltrom.ro
    Mail:  Romanian Amateur Radio Federation
           P.O. Box 22-50
           R-71100 Bucuresti, Romania

  ARRL UHF Contest              September 3, 1997
    E-mail:  contest at arrl.org
    Mail:  ARRL Contest Branch
           225 Main St.
           Newington, CT  06111

  QRP ARCI Contest              September 4, 1997
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  QRP ARCI Contest Manager
           Cam Hartford, N6GA
           1959 Bridgeport Ave.
           Claremont, CA  91711

  Maryland-DC QSO Party         September 10, 1997
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Antietam RA, W3CWC
           Box 52
           Hagerstown, MD  21741

  New Jersey QSO Party          September 13, 1997
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Englewood ARA
           P.O. Box 528
           Englewood, NJ  07631

  Keyman's Club of JA Contest   September 14, 1997
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Yasuo Taneda, JA1DD
           279-233 Mori
           Sambu Town
           Chiba 289-12  Japan

  WAE DX Contest, CW            September 15, 1997
    E-mail:  100712.2226 at compuserve.com
    Mail:  WAEDC Committee
           Box 1126
           D-74370 Sersheim, Germany

  North American QSO Party, SSB September 16, 1997
    E-mail:  merchant at silcom.com
    Mail:  Steve Merchant, K6AW
           1795 Cravens Lane
           Carpinteria, CA  93013

  Venezuelan Ind.Day Cont,SSB   September 30, 1997
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Radio Club Venezolano
           Concurso Independencia de Venezuela
           P.O. Box 2285
           Caracas 1010-A

  Venezuelan Ind.Day Cont,CW    October 31, 1997
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Radio Club Venezolano
           Concurso Independencia de Venezuela
           P.O. Box 2285
           Caracas 1010-A

End of log submittal deadlines

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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