[CQ-Contest] Update on QSL Online by SK0UX

Bill Fisher - W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Tue Aug 26 10:40:36 EDT 1997

re: http://sk7do.te.hik.se/clubs/sk0ux/QSL-server.html
    Online verification of QSO's on the WWW.

I own a ISP company and am pretty active in all this ham/WWW stuff.  I 
think one solution to this problem is to charge for the QSL service.  Not 
for the guys who get the QSL's verified, but the guys who are making the 
QSO's.  I would pay $100 at least to be able to upload my contest logs to 
you and not have to worry about QSL's any more.  

I have the technology to make this happen here, but it is all dependent 
on the ARRL.  If they dont back it, you are pis..xxx spitting in the 
wind.  It is an excellent idea and I think all ARRL members should be 
putting preasure on the League to back such a system.  This idea doesn't 
have to be a money black hole.  As pointed out above, I believe there are 
people who would spend a good amount of money to not have to deal with 
QSL's any more.  I am one of those people.

The QSLing burden is awsome for someone who makes a lot of QSO's.  To me, 
it is the worst thing about contesting.  It was second to paper logging 
before K1EA came along.


Bill, W4AN

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