R: [CQ-Contest] Contest Log Converter on the WEB

Fabio I4UFH i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it
Tue Dec 9 00:09:12 EST 1997

Jay WX0B wrote:

> Dear Fabio,
> I must be missing something here.  Can  you tell us exactly WHY we would
> to use the program?  I am sure you went to alot of work to make it do
> something the other programs miss.  But what is it?
> What is the benifit of processing a log through your software.
> Jay, WX0B, V26J

Contest Log Converter allow you to convert Contest file between their 
format. If you are not an user of all the 3 Contest  Program, you can 
need it. May be to have a complete archive of Log in one format only,
or to compare some logs in the same way of your competitors/friend
or may be to allow some Log Program to import all the kind of data
non only one, or to convert file downloaded from the net into your 
preferred program. Example, our IR4T CW ops. prefer TR and SSB 
guys CT, well we can merge all the log in only one and import them
into our Log Program for  labels print and log analyze.

I have spent some month to realize this utility, and some one has
supported this idea, for my fun and I thinked that It was interesting 
for the Contest community, my be I was wrong,so sorry for the bandwith 
and wasted space !!

73 de Fabio I4UFH

I4UFH  one of IR4T, IG9R, 5H1FS, KF6FBE

e-mail : i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it

MCC Marconi Contest Club HomePage : http://www.galactica.it/MCC/
IR4T    HomePage : http://www.galactica.it/MCC/ir4t_hry.htm
5H1FS HomePage & look-up log : http://www.qsl.net/5h1fs/index.html

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