[CQ-Contest] Re: 10M Contest Exchange

John Warren nt5c at easy.com
Thu Dec 11 14:11:06 EST 1997

Martin ZL1ANJ wrote:

    |Remember on SSB that if you give us 59 Mike Sierra, the *MS* goes
    |right into CT, but Mississippi doesn't fit.

Yes but Martin....

I'll bet that if I use "59TX" or "59 Tango X-Ray" instead of "Fifty-nine
Texas", more than half the weaker DX and non-English speakers will ask for
a repeat! Since I'm not a serious contester, just an SSB DXer, I'll try it
and we'll see.

GL, John, NT5C.

P.S.  When I work you, I'll be careful to use 59 Tango X-Ray !

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