[CQ-Contest] Contest Station Improvements

henrypol2 at juno.com henrypol2 at juno.com
Thu Dec 11 21:58:19 EST 1997

OK, this may not be directly contest related, however, I do see it as an
effort on my part to increase operating desk space.

I was visiting a company this week that deals with Federal Express.  In
their shipping department was a small PC, supplied by FedEx, that not
only had a small CPU with floppy drive, but what really impressed me was
the keyboard size.  Does anyone know anything about these units?  Who
makes them?  Are they available to the general public?  Or, are they a
special item that only works with FedEx software?

The keyboard was approximately 11 x 5 inches; CPU - 11 x 3 x 10, with a
separate 9 inch monitor.  One interesting feature was that the keyboard
plugged into the front of the CPU.  Right now when I want to move the
keyboard out of the way, I have to deal with that long cord that runs
under the monitor and down behind the desk to the CPU (big) on the floor.

Anyhow, any info would be appreciated.

Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
Raleigh, NC

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