[CQ-Contest] Special Calls during contests

Peter_Broughan at loyyangpower.com.au Peter_Broughan at loyyangpower.com.au
Sat Dec 13 03:09:27 EST 1997

Hii from Traralgon...
                                                   I have noticed the
amount of discussion regarding QSLing...I love QSLing and Receiving crda.I
will always QSL..My biggest gripe is those stations who get a special
prefect to work during a contest then never QSL.I found this with the CF
call in Canada.  During some contests the american states are on the
band..however for we people tying to achieve WAS,No one hardly from the
U.S. sends cards  via the BURO......or even direct.....I am still trying to
get cards from contests in the US..But there are other operators especially
the WPX contest..So please if you work me..please QSL..Okay
                                         Peter Broughan    VK3PJB

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