[CQ-Contest] K0M Special Call comments

DavidHarper at tx.slr.com DavidHarper at tx.slr.com
Mon Dec 15 13:38:01 EST 1997

I experienced a little of this in the mid-80's when I traded in WA5OOB
for WD5N.  Most active ops knew that there were 2X1 "W" calls becoming
active, and if they heard WGxx or WTxx or WQxx, etc., then they knew it
was "new" 2X1 callsign, but if the 2X1 started with a more traditional
WA, WB, or WD, then they just naturally expected three letters to follow
the number.  Years later I still get a bit of this, but mostly my
problem now is people copying my call as WB5N.  The fact that WB5N is
also a contester doesn't help any  :-).
In a few years 1X1's will be easier to use after more people get used to

73, Dave WD5N   < davidharper at tx.slr.com >

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