[CQ-Contest] Strange 10m. L-paths

Ray Rocker rocker at datasync.com
Mon Dec 15 23:35:57 EST 1997

K4OJ wrote:
> I have never xperienced normal propagation on 10 meters!   It is always
> strange but this weekend took the cake....with the Sunday morning opening to
> Europe staying best with my antenna due South for a very long time before I
> could swing it over towards Africa...while it seems to start from the South a
> lot - from here it stayed from the South for a LONG time....not the usual
> Southeast, but SOUTH!

Both mornings this weekend, about the time the Caribbean stations started
pounding in which was in the 1400-1500Z time frame, I noticed that I 
was working all over the eastern USA with the beam pointed SE. 

Thinking that the Es was getting started, I would turn the beam NE,
but the signals would all fade into the mud! From South Mississippi,
there ain't much USA to the SE except Florida. 

It was like signals were bouncing off of something down in the
Caribbean. The USA signals weren't strong like Es, but easily
workable, and the neat thing is there didn't seem to be a skip zone.
I was working all across 4-land, much of which is tough as nails to
work on 10 from here.

-- Ray  WQ5L  rocker at datasync.com

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