[CQ-Contest] multiple calls/one station

Doug KR2Q DougKR2Q at aol.com
Tue Dec 16 09:08:53 EST 1997

First, let me say that I have NOT read the rules covering this topic (ARRL
"stealth" rules, etc.).

Here is my take on this, based on what I have read on this reflector.

It seems that the RULE was simply poorly crafted.  Being involved with rule-
making myself (with CQWW), I can appreciate the difficulties involved.  It is
my opinion that there is a tendency to "feel legal" and write something up
that appears to be "official" and "legal" and having been composed by an
attorney.  Often the lure of "make it sound good, concise, and legal"
overshadows the need to simply say what you mean.

Perhaps, simply stating that "more than one call cannot be used with the
premise to intentionally helping to increase the score of another station" is
all that is needed.  It really does seem very stupid (to me, anyway) to deny
others from either getting experience, or to allow a station to sit idle for
1/2 the time when it would otherwise be available and others would want to
operate it, or any of the other scenarios that have been painted which
seeminly deny operating opportunities unfairly.  More activity is good for any
contest.  Feeding calls is NOT good for a contest.

I know FEEDING CALLS has been a problem in the past for the ARRL.  I clearly
remember getting a phone call from Mark Wilson, AA2Z (now ?1RO), asking me if
I ever operated on 6 meters.  And the answer was (and still is), NO, I have
NEVER been on 6 meters.  Apparently, some local (NNJ) had gone through the
local 2 meter club roster and had done their thing.  That is, of course, out
and out cheating.  I am confident that THAT is the INTENT of the rule.  Maybe
some rewording is in order.

de Doug KR2Q

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