[CQ-Contest] CLASSIC contest video re-release

Doug KR2Q DougKR2Q at aol.com
Tue Dec 23 15:57:06 EST 1997

Fellow Contesters:

Yesterday, December 22, I stopped by at KU2M's qth for a visit.  While there,
it dawned on me that I had not seen the TO WIN THE WORLD video in a long time;
my copy was done on Betamax format (enough said!).  I inquired about a VHS
copy.  KU2M told me that if there was enough interest, he would be glad to
produce more duplicates from this MASTER.

So this memo is to survey you contesters out there and find out who would be
interested in buying a copy of this CLASSIC video.  I'm guessing that the cost
would be about $20.  I don't get a "cut"...I just want a copy.  :-)

For those who DON'T know, it is a professionally done video about the
K2GL/N2AA multi-multi operation.  It is narrated by the late Bill Leonard,
W2SKE, who was, among other things, president of CBS news and facilitated the
creation 60 minutes under his watch.

The video highlights some K2GL history, shows his "mansion," his "million
dollar" installation including everything from 75A4's to $8000 Racal
receivers, to 200 feet of Rohn #80 (500 pounds per section!), installation of
the 750 pound rotator, the 4 element 80 meter beam, plus lots of famous op's
(like N2AA!).  I think it is really neat to see the tower climbers ascend the
actual footage during the battle with W2PV (another classic!).

As I said, I am NOT trying to sell these tapes...I AM trying to generate
enough interest so a sufficient number can be queued up, thereby convincing
KU2M to do another "run" of the tapes.  I assume that if a club orders a bunch
of tapes, that the shipping costs would be greatly reduced.  Local pick up is
also possible.  I'm am not sure about overseas shipping costs, nor what
Standards they might need...as I said, these will be VHS.

So if you are INTERESTED (no, I am NOT taking orders!) plse let me know so I
can generate a list of potential buyers and maybe we can this CLASSIC video
re-released.  It runs about 1/2 an hour long.  And if you're sick of looking
at that 10th generation copy that you currently "own," you might consider
getting one you can actually SEE!  :-)

Pse reply to me at:  DougKR2Q at aol.com

Oh yeah...you might consider "announcing" this on your local contest repeater
or publishing it in your contest club newsletter.  Again...I'm not getting any
money from this...I just want a clean copy of a GREAT video.


de Doug KR2Q

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