[CQ-Contest] Tennadyne

Gus VO1MP gussam at newcomm.net
Wed Dec 24 19:10:10 EST 1997

VO1MP  Gus Samuelson
St. Phillips Newfoundland

Have a friend  - G3TKN  who us considering trading his 204
for something with all band capabilities, yet does not want to seriously
degrade his monoband performance , He is considering a Tennadyne Log
and would appreciate hearing from anybody who has any first hand experience
  one of these  antennae,
emphasis on 20 meter performance any first hand  operating experience
versus 204 
durability  and  assembly  and  Front to back .
The other bands are not  critical issues however 
any/all information would be appreciated.
Seasons Greetings/ Merry Christmas/HNY 98 

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