[CQ-Contest] NC QSO Party

Dwayne C Ayers n4mio at netpath.net
Fri Dec 26 10:23:34 EST 1997


Sponsored by the Alamance Amateur Radio Club,Inc 
PO Box 3064
Burlington,NC 27215

Time/Date: 1200-2359 UTC Feb.28 and 1200-2359 UTC Mar. 1

OBJECT:  Out-of-State stations work as many NC stations as you can. You may
work stations once per each band/mode combination for QSO points. Work NC
mobiles again as they change counties for QSO points.
NC fixed stations work as many NC counties, States, Canadian provinces and
DXCC countries as you can.
NC mobile stations work from as many NC counties to as many NC counties,
States, Canadian provinces and DXCC countries as possible.

EXCHANGE:  Callsign(NC mobiles please use identifier), QSO# and QTH (NC
county, State, Canadian province or DXCC country)

SUGGESTED FREQS:  CW - 3.540, 3.740, 7.040, 7.140, 14.040, 21.040, 21.140,
28.040, 28.140; PHONE - 3.860, 7.260, 14.260, 21.360, 28.360. If using VHF
and UHF, please no repeater or cross band QSOs.

LOGGING:  Logs must be kept showing Sent QSO#, UTC, Band, Mode, Sent
County/QTH, Call worked, Rcvd QSO#, Rcvd County/QTH, Points and New
Multiplier#. Number each new multiplier as worked and include a separate
multiplier checklist. NC mobiles please keep logs in order of NC county
worked from. Blank forms and multiplier list available from K4EG for 9x12
SASE($.55), download from <http://www.netpath.net/~n4mio/qsoparty.htm>, via
email or packet. Make request to respected addresses below. Any
requests,questions or comments please contact Dwayne-N4MIO at K4EG, on
packet - N4MIO at WR4AGC.#DUR.NC.USA.NOAM or email - n4mio at netpath.net

SCORING:  QSO - 1 point for each Phone QSO, 2 points for each CW QSO and 3
points for each NC mobile(either mode and again as they change counties)
station worked. Multipliers - NC stations multiply QSO points by total of
different NC counties, states, Canadian provinces and DXCC countries
worked. Out-of-state stations multiply QSO points by total number of
different NC counties worked(max 100). Bonus - 100 points for working both
Cherokee(Mountains) and Dare (Coastal) counties and another 100 points for
working stations W4NC or K4EG. NC mobiles add 100 bonus points for each
county from where at least one QSO was worked. 
     Add bonus points after all calculations.

MIX-and-MATCH AWARD CATEGORIES - Plaques will be given for  first place
entries that fulfill at least two combined categories below:

FIXED STATION - Permanent operating location.
MOBILE - Operation from a motor vehicle.
HF BANDS- All contacts made on amateur frequencies below 30 MHz.
VHF/UHF BANDS- All contacts made on amateur frequencies above 30 MHz.
MIXED BANDS - Contacts made on HF and VHF/UHF.
CLUB - At least three operators using club call and station.
TEAM - More than one operator's combined scores using individual calls.
SINGLE OP - One operator making all the contacts using his/her own call.
MULTI OP - More than one operator using the call of a control operator.
NOVICE - Operator(s) holding a Novice class amateur radio class license.
QRP - All contacts made operating with a RF output power of less than 5 watts.
IN-STATE - All contacts made from within the state of North Carolina.
OUT-OF-STATE - All contacts made from outside the state of North Carolina.

MAIL FORMS:  Logs and score sheets must be postmarked by April 1, 1998 to
NC QSO PARTY c/o K4EG, PO Box 3064, Burlington, NC 27215. Include 9x12
SASE($.55) for results and certificate. Results will be posted via packet
and www - <http://www.netpath.net/~n4mio/qsoparty.htm>

Please join in and help us make the NC QSO Party a huge success!

All the best 73, Dwayne/N4MIO
  Hang Outs -> 147.375 FM voice, Graham,NC
            -> 146.67 FM voice, Burlington,NC
            -> N4MIO at WR4AGC.#DUR.NC.USA.NOAM

  Alamance Co., North Carolina Amateur Radio
            -> http://www.netpath.net/~n4mio/


CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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