[CQ-Contest] Re: Meeting FCC RF Guidelines

ROBERT WANDERER aa0cy at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us
Tue Dec 30 09:07:51 EST 1997

I've done the calcs and I'm OK in both environments.

Interesting comments from both points of view. Personally, I think
we are both cursed and blessed by this. Cursed in that we face
potential threats by shysters, but blessed in that we can use this
to show the value of higher towers, assuming we don't scare the
zoning board alltogether (but then there's PRB-1 - maybe).

In today's climate I doubt we would have been successful in obtaining
total pre-emption; and at least the ARRL was successful in raising the limits to
some extent. Guess we'll have to see what happens. Maybe now I can
justify getting my law degree to go with my technical one!

I believe mobile stations were exempt. Maybe QST should reprint Overbeck's
Cab Over Kilowatt article!?

73, Bob AA0CY

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