RFI in contest voice keyer .. help !

JPalooka at aol.com JPalooka at aol.com
Wed Feb 5 10:23:26 EST 1997

In a message dated 97-02-05 02:35:41 EST, Jukka.Klemola at nmp.nokia.com writes:

> Subj:	RFI in contest voice keyer .. help !
>  Hi,
>  I bought a MFJ-342, and found a bad RFI problem
>  already with 100 W.. not even a linear yet.
>  It is connected to FT 1000 MP.
>  I am planning to go for a pedition with the setup..
>  Anyone solved those problems?
>  MFJ technical help's mailbox on compuserve is
>  full. I guess I am not alone with my problem with
>  their equipment.
>  I really would appreciate any helping messages.
>  Please, respond directly to me and I'll send a 
>  summary on the list if this item interests many
>  people.
>  73,
>  Jukka (OH1JJS aka OH6Li)

I'm having a similar problem with another digital voice keyer. Mine appears
be a ground loop caused when I hook up the laptop computer.  It is a high
pitched tone that is probably from the switching power supply. I am
the audio path I am using, as I have tied the mic ground and chassis ground 
together in my FT990. I am going to pickup a 1:1 transformer from Radio Shack
today to isolate the microphone ground and the PTT ground.  I have found that
my FT990 is fairly vunerable to RFI, especially when I have the likes of an
plug partially plugged in.

Let me know how you make out. Also, if anyone else has run into this and
it, I would appreciate hearing of your experience.

73, K8Joe"Palooka"

>From JEH at on.mobitel.telia.se (Jan-Erik Holm)  Wed Feb  5 10:53:52 1997
From: JEH at on.mobitel.telia.se (Jan-Erik Holm) (Jan-Erik Holm)
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 10:53:52 GMT+1
Subject: Restructuring Comments
Message-ID: <D140IRS2CI7L*/R=A1/R=ROONA/U=JEH/@MHS.stoa.mobitel.telia.se>

Lee Buller wrote:

>2.  We need to fix the medical waiver for the code.  That is so stupid that
>I am at a loss for words.  We need to come up with another way of doing
>that.  I believe you have to almost deaf to get a waiver.  Because, if you
>have that severe of learning disability, then you have real problems.  Now,
>I know, because I have a son who ha learning disabilities.  But, by working
>hard he has overcome them.  We need to fix the medica waiver (PERIOD).

>It used to be that we (the VEs) had the option of requiring a SENDING
>exam if we had any question about someones knowledge of CW.  That COULD
>have been used WITH the waiver to verify actual knowledge.  However, the
>present rules regarding the waiver, unless I read them poorly, take this
>option out of our hands and say that we MUST accept the waiver as complete
>satisfaction of the requirement.  THIS is where I see a big problem.

>73 - Tom Hammond  N0SS

With due respect but I cant for my life understand what this has to do on a
international contest reflector. Maybe Im stupid but so be it.

73 de Jim SM2EKM

PS: Sure would be interesting if we could debate some contest related stuff!

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