Re; WPX CW date - Another conflict

Zack Widup w9sz at
Wed Feb 12 12:44:27 EST 1997

>     I know this is a heretic thought on this reflector, but it should be 
>obvious that there are too many contests.  If you look at some of today's 
>"contests," you will see some quite ridiculous ones....
>     There was one of late where the rules went on and on for several lines 
>to describe the additional multiplier to use that was determined by the 
>temperature inside the shack (the lower the temperature, the higher the 
>multiplier; last year's winner was given his plaque posthumously after he 
>froze to death halfway through the contest).  I figure someone could go to 
>the Yukon, bundle up in extreme foul-weather clothing, operate outdoors in 
>that contest, make fifteen contacts, and produce an all-time record score 
>because of his stupendous temperature multiplier....

Whatever happened to the "Frostbite Falls Beach Party"?

Zack W9SZ


>From k0wa at (Lee Buller)  Wed Feb 12 20:36:00 1997
From: k0wa at (Lee Buller) (Lee Buller)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 14:36:00 -0600
Subject: Info Needed
Message-ID: < at>

Anyone know the new address of W2SC or the e-mail address?

k0wa at

>From ve6jy at (Don Moman)  Wed Feb 12 20:28:00 1997
From: ve6jy at (Don Moman) (Don Moman)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 13:28:00 -0700 (MST)
Subject: SoCal area ARRL DXCW m/ops-need a extra op?
Message-ID: <Pine.A41.3.95.970212131058.37448C-100000 at>

Hoping someone can help.... VE6BMX/W6 is down in the NewPort Beach area
and would greatly love to join a m/op for the ARRL DX CW. Barry is a very
good CW op and knows his way around contesting so he'd be a good asset to
any group. He's looking at San Diego area more so than LA (he'd like to
avoid the congested LA area) so if you know anyone down south that's doing
a m/op please let me know ASAP. He has a vehicle (camperized van with HF
and 2m) so transportation is not a problem.  He does not have e-mail
access there so please leave home and work numbers so he can reach you.
I know after experiencing a DX test from W6 he'll not be happy operating
up here (the "white" hole of propagation) anymore, but that's a chance
he's apparently willing to take!

Let me know by this evening or by morning at the latest - my last sked
with him is at 1900 UTC Thurs. I will pass any info along then.

73 Don

VE6JY is Don Moman               email: ve6jy at 
Box 127 Lamont, Alberta
T0B 2R0  (403) 895-2925

>From py2ny at (PY2NY)  Wed Feb 12 21:40:13 1997
From: py2ny at (PY2NY) (PY2NY)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 18:40:13 -0300
Subject: VE3AT E-mail
Message-ID: <199702121940.QAA17764 at>

Hello friends
I'm looking for VE3AT E-mail.
Thanks and sorry to ask on this space...
           * * *  P Y 2  N Y    * * *  Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos  * * *
           E-mail:         py2ny at 
           ax.25:      py2ny at py2ze.sp.bra.soam
           Mail:  p. o. box 204 - Jaboticabal (SP)    Zip: 14870-000
           B R A S I L          ++++   Also PW2N, in contests  ++++

>From nt5c at (John Warren)  Thu Feb 13 02:25:01 1997
From: nt5c at (John Warren) (John Warren)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 21:25:01 -0500
Subject: "Contester" interferes w/ pc
Message-ID: <1356361429-27976183 at BANJO.EASY.COM>

Rod N4SI wrote:

|Don't do like one friend of mine did and get married on FD weekend.
|He's been fighting that ever since. (or any other contest weekend for
|that matter...wait a minute....)

Also "Family Planning" takes on new meaning. Think ahead and restrain
yourself, so you don't have your kids on CQWW or ARRL weekends. I goofed -
but we've solved the problem by having "Official Birthdays" on other dates.
If The Queen can do that, so can my two kids (birthdays Oct 27, 30!). At
least I could have planned for a CW weekend.

John, NT5C.

>From jfenster at (Jim Fenstermaker)  Wed Feb 12 21:34:00 1997
From: jfenster at (Jim Fenstermaker) (Jim Fenstermaker)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 13:34:00 -0800
Subject: Kenwood and Drake Help (Request 2)

A post just came through for "Drake Help" and I would also like some assistance.

I have a "Sherwood Modified" R4C and T4XC.  Recently, the sensivity on
receive has been down in the CW mode.  I checked by unhooking all the
interconnect cables and it is still down.  However, in the SSB mode, the
sensivity is OK.  When I reconnect the "Carrier Osc" cable, The sensivity
seems to return to its original level.  This is the case even when the rig
is in the "split" mode.

Then, I take the T4XC out of the circuit and the sensivity is still down.
This is the 160 meter rig!!!  Any ideas where to start?

I also have a TS-850.  The power output has been "pumping" by about 10%.
That is, it varies from 100 watts to 90 watts every 1/4 second or so.
Recently, upon keying the rig, the full output does not occur until about
1/2 second.  It basically has zero output for a few characters on CW then
finally kicks in to the full output.  Again, any body have any ideas?  

Since I'm getting ready for 3 weekends of contesting, Murphy is alive and well!

73 Jim K9JF/7
Vancouver, WA  

>From cedric.baechler at (Cedric Baechler HB9HFN)  Wed Feb 12 21:28:16 1997
From: cedric.baechler at (Cedric Baechler HB9HFN) (Cedric Baechler HB9HFN)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 21:28:16 +0000
Subject: Changing the date of the WPX CW contest
Message-ID: < at>

>Since the WPX is primarily a DX contest, it would also be interesting to
>see what contest now occupies the weekend being proposed as the new
>weekend for the WPX.  The sponsors of whatever contest it may be may not
>take kindly to usurpation of their long-held weekend in a gratuitous
>fashion by the WPX.  Need the reflector denizens be reminded once again
>that there are other countries in the world besides the USA?

Hi Fred,

Yes there is one: the Helvetia contest.
It's always the last weekend of april and we are active in CW and/or SSB.
It has always been THE contest to enter for those who chase the 26 cantons
for the helvetia award.
So I'm not really for a date change for the WPX ! Or can someone propose me
a new date for the H26 ???

73, Cedric HB9HFN

>From k0wa at (Lee Buller)  Wed Feb 12 22:21:01 1997
From: k0wa at (Lee Buller) (Lee Buller)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 16:21:01 -0600
Subject: "Contester" interferes w/ pc
Message-ID: < at>

At 09:25 PM 2/12/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Rod N4SI wrote:
>|Don't do like one friend of mine did and get married on FD weekend.
>|He's been fighting that ever since. (or any other contest weekend for
>|that matter...wait a minute....)
>Also "Family Planning" takes on new meaning. Think ahead and restrain
>yourself, so you don't have your kids on CQWW or ARRL weekends. I goofed -
>but we've solved the problem by having "Official Birthdays" on other dates.
>If The Queen can do that, so can my two kids (birthdays Oct 27, 30!). At
>least I could have planned for a CW weekend.
>John, NT5C.

In a weak moment in 1982, my wife caught me...and on SS-CW weekend I had the
best QSO ever....Daniel.  He is not a ham yet because he thinks I am wierd
(all 14 year old boys this their Dads are a little off) ...but he is very
understanding when Dad goes off to contest even when it his birthday.  He
has been very forgiving...but I've had to pay the price with some pretty
pricy toys.  Mom has been too...she understands about the SS bug.  She
married it.  Operated 19 hours that weekend when the boy was 7:01
in the AM.


>From abrogdon at (Brogdon, Al,  K3KMO)  Wed Feb 12 21:31:00 1997
From: abrogdon at (Brogdon, Al,  K3KMO) (Brogdon, Al,  K3KMO)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 16:31:00 -0500
Subject: Re; WPX CW date--correction
Message-ID: <m0vumSn-0004rAC at>

>     Like so many things in ham radio today, we are still trying to make
>old, outdated ideas work here on the eve of the 21st millennium, when it
>would be far better to introduce some thrilling new ideas.

     Change "21st millennium" to either "21st century" or "third 
millennium"; your choice.

     Thanks to K8CH for pointing out my error.  (Everybody wants to be an 

                         73,   Al

>From N3BB at (Jim George, N3BB)  Thu Feb 13 00:22:11 1997
From: N3BB at (Jim George, N3BB) (Jim George, N3BB)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 18:22:11 -0600
Subject: Good info
Message-ID: <v02120d00af280e182ee4 at EIM-Mac-1.5tcp>

Stumbled accross a good resource for contests:dates, rules, previous year's
scores, etc.  It's the "LA9HW Main Page," at

Nice one-stop for *every* contest on any day/month with all backup.

BTW, where can I find all-time records for contests?  Is there a site for
this info?

73, Jim

>From radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys)  Thu Feb 13 00:18:18 1997
From: radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) (Robert Penneys)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 19:18:18 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Sherwood mods for C-line?
Message-ID: <199702130018.TAA19659 at>

I picked up a C-line for no apparent reason. Has all the filters, noise
blanker, even external junk like mike, speech processor, phone patch, freq
counter. I like the radio for CW. It was created during a 26 year period when
I was off the air so I am blissfully ignorant of the whole gestalt.

I am interested in the cavalcade of Sherwood mods for this critter. Had 'em?
'em? Still available? Whatcha think?

And CU this weekend in de pileups. I took home the ICOM 756, new wonder toy,
with the pileup scope, dual receive, twin passband tuning, APF, what a neat
rig. For all the guys with an 850, 930, 940, 765 or whatever as a second
radio, this would really flip ya.

Tnx, Bob      GO FRC!!!!!

>From km9p at (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA)  Thu Feb 13 00:54:38 1997
From: km9p at (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA) (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 19:54:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Records on the WWW
Message-ID: <199702130054.TAA01062 at>

I would like to keep any records or links to such on WWW.CONTESTING.COM.  If
you have records in Excel format or just about any other PC format I can
convert to web easily.  If you are keeping them on the web already, send me
the info.  I will link to you.



Bill Fisher, N4VJ & K4AAA (EX KM9P) 

>From jfunk at (jim funk)  Thu Feb 13 03:00:47 1997
From: jfunk at (jim funk) (jim funk)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 21:00:47 -0600
Subject: School Club Roundup
Message-ID: <9702130300.AA32298 at>

        We're in the middle of the week of the annual School Club Roundup 
*Contest*.  See Jan 97 QST page 114 for details.
        I spent nine hours at the local elementary school today with nine 
sixth-graders trying to keep 40 and 20 meter SSB hot (no amount of heat 
would generate anything on 15m....)  Each of the nine made at least 3 or 4 
contacts, and seven of them had never talked to anyone on the radio before.  
I think they enjoyed the experience.  Friday, we'll be there as a demo 
station for the entire elementary school.
        The demo only works if somebody calls us.  I know mid-day during the 
week isn't a great time for radio-ing for most people, but if you happen to 
be around a rig...check 7225-7255 and 14240-14270.
        These are the kids you want calling you in SS in a few years.
        TIA and 73, Jim N9JF
"Youth is when you're looking for greener fields.  Middle age is when you 
can hardly mow what you've got."
Captain Stubby in Feb 97 _Prairie Farmer_

>From mcaron at (Maxime Caron)  Thu Feb 13 02:01:18 1997
From: mcaron at (Maxime Caron) (Maxime Caron)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 22:01:18 -0400
Subject: KC1XX 80m Delta Loops
Message-ID: <9702130305.AA19741 at>

I'm trying to decide how I should install my two Delta loops.  Trying many
setup on my computer.

It sounds like the system KC1XX is using is working great on 80.
So I was wondering what kind of phasing or switching system does he use.  I
know they are @200' and one NE/SW and one NW/SE but I was wondering what is
the feeding system.

* Maxime Caron				*     
* Internet: mcaron at		*	DISCOVERING The Net From
* Compuserve: 76162,3430		*	Quebec City in Canada.
* Ham Operator: <VA2MRX>		*
* Quebec Contest Group "VE2UCD"		*
*	*
* ***************************************

>From jmellis at (Martin Ellis)  Thu Feb 13 09:18:32 1997
From: jmellis at (Martin Ellis) (Martin Ellis)
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 22:18:32 +1300
Subject: Dentron Amp Opinions?
References: <3300F4D3.7F98 at>
Message-ID: <3302DC68.32 at>

>..when this Dentron 2000L showed up.
>  Has an 8877, said to put out 1600w. $900  With all of the QRO 
>  mavens out there, what do you think?  A good amp? Or an unwanted
>  orphan?

Hi Adam,
Suggest you have a look at the input circuit.  Ideally it should
have tuned input on each band.  Avoid amps that have an untuned
input, as can be hard to drive with solid state transcievers.

Martin ZL1ANJ

>From jmellis at (Martin Ellis)  Thu Feb 13 09:40:58 1997
From: jmellis at (Martin Ellis) (Martin Ellis)
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 22:40:58 +1300
Subject: DXpeditions for ARRL DX Phone
References: < at>
Message-ID: <3302E1AA.4226 at>

Hi Larry,

ZL1ANJ will be a multiop-single transmitter in the ARRL DX phone
contest- hope to have antennas for 80M thru 10M.

Operators: OH5BM Tapani, ZL1ANJ Martin. 

Note: 40M
Do Stateside stations prefer to work the DX station on split freq.
(below 7.1), or in the American phone band?


>From Tine.Brajnik at (Tine Brajnik)  Thu Feb 13 12:03:57 1997
From: Tine.Brajnik at (Tine Brajnik) (Tine Brajnik)
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 12:03:57 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: WRTC-2000 IN SLOVENIA
Message-ID: <01IFD7L7AU8I0008Y0 at>

     The Slovenia Contest Club sent a large group of contesters to
WRTC-96 which was held in the San Francisco Bay area. This
experience caused us to consider hosting WRTC-2000 in Slovenia.
The SCC applied to the WRTC-stering committee to host WRTC-2000. We
have now received a very positive response from the WRTC-steering

     We are happy to announce the great news:  WRTC in the year
2000 will be held in SLOVENIA! 

     The initial WRTC-2000 committee, comprised of Tine S50A,
Robert S53R, Franc S59AA and Leon S59L, is in the middle of the
process of defining the basic criteria for the selection of
competitors and other organisational preparations.
     The world amateur-radio community will be informed of all
developments and information through Internet reflectors and the
different ham-radio publications. 
     For the time being, all official messages will come from and
inquiries should be sent to S50A's e-mail address:
<TINE.BRAJNIK at GUEST.ARNES.SI> or through mail to WRTC-2000, Slovenia contest
club, Saveljska 50, 1113 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 
     If you all feel as enthusiastic about WRTC-2000 as we do, then
you know that WRTC-2000 will continue to carry the WRTC torch into
the future. We know that WRTC-2000 will be a mile-stone event in
amateur radio contesting. 


Tine, S50A 
                                                Tine Brajnik

>From km9p at (Bill Fisher, N4VJ & K4AAA)  Thu Feb 13 11:21:42 1997
From: km9p at (Bill Fisher, N4VJ & K4AAA) (Bill Fisher, N4VJ & K4AAA)
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 06:21:42 -0500 (EST)
Subject: More Vanity Calls Out
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.95.970213062117.20267A-100000 at>

Check it out if you were waiting.


Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA

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