40M phone

n4si at pobox.com n4si at pobox.com
Thu Feb 13 20:33:50 EST 1997

Thanks to Fred, K3ZO; and Trey (what is your new call anyway?). I did 
misunderstand the question, but not the way you think. I did not know 
that ZLs could go above 7100. Serves me right for rushing out an 
answer I didn't really have all the facts on.

I have always said, "any day you don't learn something is a wasted 

Thanks, guys, for making this one worthwhile.

73, Rod N4SI
    The DXer formerly known as N9AKE
         (c) 5 November, 1996

>From floydjr at interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Fri Feb 14 00:29:39 1997
From: floydjr at interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 20:29:39 -0400
Subject: Posting Your Scores For ARRL CW 97
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>

As usual I will be doing the scores for this weekends ARRL CW contest. I 
do have a few guidelines that I would like for you to follow when sending
your scores to me. This will be the format I will be using:

CALL                   HRS          SCORE       QSO'S       DX

You can send me just that one line of info or the summary sheet from CT,
NA, or TR. Now here a list of things that also will help with getting 
your score properly posted.

1. NO ATTACHEMENTS !!! If you attach a score of a file it will not be posted.
   Does not take that long to type one line.

2. These scores are NOT official and do NOT send me any logs. I have nothing
   to do with the ARRL besides being a member.

3. In the subject line make sure you put your call and the contest name. I 
   am doing several contests and do not want to get your score mixed up with
   another test. Example: WA4ZXA Score ARRL CW

4. Make SURE you put your class on your posting. Do not assume I know you 
   operated anything for the last twenty years. If I receive a posting with
   only single op on it, you will go into the Unlimited Class. 

5. If you send me a correction please include the mistaken score also and 
   the class you operated in. If you only send me your call and correction 
   I have to look through the entire sheet to find you. 

6. If you have a story to tell that is fine also, but I do not have time to
   read all of your story just for a score. Please put your scores at the
   top of your story.

   3830 reflector or email them direct to me. 

8. Bottom line is before you send in the score, STOP, READ IT, and see if 
   you can figure out how to post it. If it does not make sense to you I am 
   sure I will have a problem. This saves us both a lot of time in sending

I will be doing band breakdowns also, but all you need to do is submit the 
CT, NA, or TR sum sheet for that. I wish everyone luck and will be doing 
some S & P work myself. 

73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From fgrisafi at mbox.vol.it (IT9GSF - Fabio)  Thu Feb 13 16:25:53 1997
From: fgrisafi at mbox.vol.it (IT9GSF - Fabio) (IT9GSF - Fabio)
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 17:25:53 +0100
Message-ID: < at mbox.vol.it>

Hello guys !

I wish if somebody knows where to send e-mail to ask for CQWW plaques


I won the <bold>1993</bold> CQWW for 20 mts./Europe plaque (donor A.G.

GM3BCL) but I have not received it !!!

Also I won the 1995 CQWW 40 mts. WORLD but maybe the plaque is going

to be delivered for that contest yet.

Thank you for the info you will send,

<bold>73 de <color><param>ffff,0000,0000</param>IT9GSF</color> !


Fabio Grisafi

via Ferrari Orsi 85

90123 PALERMO - ITALY<color><param>0000,0000,ffff</param> 


</color><color><param>0000,0000,ffff</param>"One of the Lampedusa Island
Marconi Contest Club Gang".</color></italic></bold>

>From claver at noao.edu (Chuck Claver)  Fri Feb 14 05:26:52 1997
From: claver at noao.edu (Chuck Claver) (Chuck Claver)
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 97 22:26:52 MST
Subject: CT keeying circuit - HELP!
Message-ID: <9702140526.AA20406 at taco.tuc.noao.edu>

I have an old TS830 that is keyed -65 volts.  Does someone out there have
a simple keying circuit that will interface the LPT1 output from CT to
this radio?  The documentation I have only describes a circuit for positive

Thanks much for any info - trying desperately to get the home qth ready

Good luck to all - Chuck de NJ6D.

>From pa3dmh at igr.nl (Alex van Hengel)  Fri Feb 14 16:36:17 1997
From: pa3dmh at igr.nl (Alex van Hengel) (Alex van Hengel)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 08:36:17 -0800
Subject: D25L in ARRL DX Contest
Message-ID: <33049481.5E47 at igr.nl>

Alex D25L/PA3DZN asked me to announce that Alex D25L will be a 40 m 
Single Band Entry this weekend.

With at least 9G5BQ and D25L out there, it is worthwhile to listen for 

       ( # # )
Alex van Hengel, PA3DMH

Member Contestgroup Oude Maas PI4COM/PA6WPX
QSL Manager     : 9Q2L, 9R1A, 9X5EE, D25L
Homepage PI4COM : http://www.euronet.nl/users/norf/pi4com.html
1997 9G5BQ Page : http://www.igr.nl/~pa3dmh/9g5bq.htm
1996 Carib Tour : http://www.igr.nl/~pa3dmh/tour1996.htm
Internet e-mail : pa3dmh at igr.nl

>From promedia at itnet.com.pl (Ltd.)  Thu Feb 13 14:07:43 1997
From: promedia at itnet.com.pl (Ltd.) (Ltd.)
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 14:07:43 +-100
Subject: WPX RTTY e-mail log submission
Message-ID: <01BC1A53.B1E1BC20 at itnet>

Hi Guys,

I need an info on where  I could submit
my logs for last RTTY WPX Contest  to ?

A hint would really be appreciated...


promedia at itnet.com.pl.

>From promedia at itnet.com.pl (Ltd.)  Fri Feb 14 15:14:13 1997
From: promedia at itnet.com.pl (Ltd.) (Ltd.)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 15:14:13 +-100
Subject: re my Ten-Tec "paragon 585"
Message-ID: <01BC1A89.F059F400 at itnet>

Dear Scott,

What I am sure abt is that something wrong happened, alas, I cannot find it true what you suggest.
What I think, the problem is that you have never tried neither my fax number nor e-mail address. 
The world changed a lot recently, Scott. We are much closer to you than you could ever expect.
As well as, I am somewhat disappointed at your attitude, maybe because
I am a bit lost. I could afford a rig once and had the "paragon" chosen. The Ten-Tec.
What I did not certainly expected was an ice cold shower attached to the package as an extra.

The moment I turned the factory new rig on I had the control board gone. Of course, you
mailed me another as a replacement, but I had to cover the transport expenses.
Later on, I had the PA transistors gone - I have sent you the board, covered the
expenses as usual, but the PA never recovered its ability to deliver the power 
specified in your manual. Fact is, I found out that paragon had never delivered flat 100W output
power. It simply could not with ALC levels set by factory.

Later on, I went further, ordering RS232 Interface board. Since I could not make it work,
I asked you if it was compatible with anything. You were kind enough to answer
that it was not. Next ca. 70$ went down the drain...

In the meantime, I had to re-solder all the joints in the synthesiser boards as
it started modulating low signals with the bigger ones while receiving.
As to the present problem of losing the control over the rig totally,
I took out the control board, dear Scott, and
had to re-solder the joints again. Can you believe, that some of them
were totally corroded?
Perhaps not.

Now, what you do is just laugh right into my face telling stories about some batterries. 
Anybody who ever touched the rig would know, the backup batterry is optional in there,
so how could you know if I had ever installed such?

Do not tell me, please, I am emotional. 
It's obvious and true, of course.  Take my shoes on and we'll discuss it further.
The human behaviour.

Hopefully, you understand my point.


promedia at itnet.com.pl.
fax: 011 48 69 317742

try them - they respond anytime you touch them...
Simple & Easy

Od:  Ten-Tec Inc.[SMTP:sales at tentec.com]
Wys3any:  6 lutego 1997 10:19
Do:  cq-contest at tgv.com
Temat:  Hello...?

It was written:
>Hi Guys,
>Does anyone know anything abt "technical reflector" existence?
>I've got some big problems with my Ten-Tec Paragon 585,
>while the Company seems to be a bit reluctant to help.
>Since, it seems it is something born with the idea of paragon's
>construction, other users of the gear must have eventually
>faced the problem as well, I am sure.
>Good, if we could discuss it...

"The Company" has tried repeatedly to contact you, Alec, by e-mail.
Your incoming mail is bouncing back to us.

I have also tried to contact you multiple times by fax and your fax
machine does not answer the telephone!  This is not the place for 
this discussion regardless.  You can seek help from us directly, or
try the Ten-Tec Internet reflector at <tentec at contesting.com>.

Regarding your Paragon:  The memory backup battery is dead.  Replace
with a NiCd cell and all shall be well.

Apologies for the wasted space.

Scott Robbins, W4PA
Ten-Tec, Inc. 
<sales at tentec.com>

>From lu6beg at canopus.com.ar (Ernesto M. Grueneberg)  Fri Feb 14 14:32:56 1997
From: lu6beg at canopus.com.ar (Ernesto M. Grueneberg) (Ernesto M. Grueneberg)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 11:32:56 -0300
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <01BC1A6B.0299FBC0 at arturoga>


>From seay at Alaska.NET (Del Seay)  Fri Feb 14 14:05:31 1997
From: seay at Alaska.NET (Del Seay) (Del Seay)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 06:05:31 -0800
Subject: CT keeying circuit - HELP!
References: <9702140526.AA20406 at taco.tuc.noao.edu>
Message-ID: <3304712B.6D5C at alaska.net>

Chuck Claver wrote:

Chuck: I use an opto-isolator directly out of the serial port.
You can get them with fairly high voltage ratings. Drive the LED
with the voltage from the serial port, then key the transmitter with
the transistor. Don't tie the grounds together. That way, you can
key negative or positive circuits by simply reversing the connections
at the transisitor. Also, by not tying the grounds together, you get
good isolation and minimize any digital hash interferance in your
Use one of the opto-isolators that has a Darlington Pair output. You'll
get better hard keying than with a single transistor output.
73  de KL7HF

> I have an old TS830 that is keyed -65 volts.  Does someone out there have
> a simple keying circuit that will interface the LPT1 output from CT to
> this radio?  The documentation I have only describes a circuit for positive
> keying.
> Thanks much for any info - trying desperately to get the home qth ready
> for ARRL DX CW.
> Good luck to all - Chuck de NJ6D.

>From k0wa at southwind.net (Lee Buller)  Fri Feb 14 15:15:43 1997
From: k0wa at southwind.net (Lee Buller) (Lee Buller)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 09:15:43 -0600
Subject: Amp Keying Circuit
Message-ID: < at southwind.net>

I have lost some stuff on my hard drive here and wonder if anyone out there
kept  some of this stuff.  There was a discussion on speading up relay
activation in amplifiers using a couple of transistors and an RC network.
Can anyone direct me to the place were I can obtain the neat circut again.

k0wa at southwind.net

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