[CQ-CONTEST] WPX SSB Operator needed-WP3X

ramirezk at emi.com ramirezk at emi.com
Fri Feb 21 16:36:04 EST 1997

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From: ramirezk at emi.com
Subject: WPX SSB Operator needed-WP3X
To: cq-contest at tgv.com

  Hello all,    
       Our 20m operator had to cancel out due to work 
obligations. We find our West Coast,Puerto Rico Multi/Multi 
operation in need of a very good SSB operator for the CQ WW WPX 
SSB contest at the end of March.  The candidate needs to be able 
to arive in San Juan NLT Tuesday evening before the contest 
weekend. He also needs to bring his own HF rig and laptop ( an 
amp would help too). This will be the first contest with our new 
Cabo Rojo Contest Club callsign. Our operations have won the WPX 
SSB M/M World 1st place plaque for the last 2 years under the 
old call,KP4XS.
         Accomodations are provided.You get there and you have a 
place to sleep for free. We go out for good seafood or just grab 
sandwiches locally. Two of us will be there the week before and 
will have most of the station work done. The others arrive on 
Tuesday.We'll spend all day Wednesday getting the monobanders 
for 10,15,and 20m up in the air and the stations all set up. We 
are planning a Thursday trip to the Radio Telescope in Arecibo! 
We eat lots of seafood and some of us drink lots of beer and rum 
before(but not during)and after the contest. Religious fanatics, 
sticks-in-the mud need not apply! We have fun!
       We need a SERIOUS phone operator. You will either be the 
20 or 40m operator or the busiest op of all, the fill-in op. The 
fill-in op will have to familiarize himself with all equipment 
and bands and will probably have the most operating time and the 
least amount of sleep.  I will be arriving in KP4 on 20 March 
and staying until 2 April.If you are retired and have the time, 
You are also welcome to come and stay for that timeframe. The 
more help, the better. R/T airfare from NYC/Kennedy airport, 
Newark,NJ,Miami,FLA,or Ft. Lauderdale is around 205.00 (a 
Operators for this effort include:
All antennas,filters,coax,etc are on site. 
  If seriously interested please E-mail me. Time is of the 
essence. If you are not sure that you can go please don't
send me an E-mail! 
 73 Ken N4UK  
1.8-1296 MHZ 
Cabo Rojo Contest Club-WP3X
Grid Pirates VHF Group
Grid Square-EM84xp

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 73 Ken N4UK 
1.8-1296 MHZ 
Cabo Rojo Contest Club-WP3X
Grid Pirates VHF Group
Grid Square-EM84xp

CQ Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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