[CQ-CONTEST] RE: Average Age of Op's @ Multiop Stations

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Sat Feb 22 11:26:17 EST 1997

>> The following is the score breakdown of the N3RS M/M effort by the 
>> "Old Man" gang (average age of 48+ when N2SR is included & 52+ 
>> without him):

NP3A replied>
>Im glad to say that from the 4 ops we had at KP3Z last weekend,
>3 were 25 or younger:
>	KP3L			14(!!!)	80% Op time
>	NP3J			24	80%      "
>	NP3A (ex KP4TK) 	25	50%      "
>	NP4Z 			32	30%      "
>		         Average:23.75

We went through several cycles where many of the contest ops were young.  I
came up in the 1957 to 1963 era when QST said "Most of the awards were being
snapped up by youngsters."  Young meant 13 to 20 with K5LWL being 10.  By 15
or 16 many were experienced ops.  There was little competition from CB, 2
meter FM, and computers (games and internet).

But there were always older, "wiser" operators out there.

What we need now are more young ops to go with the "older and wiser!" 

Dave K4JRB 

>I don't have the merged file yet. I saw it just before leaving the site and
it was something like 5200+ QSOs and 5M+ points. We entered the M2 category.
>73 Eric, NP3A
>eguzman at exodo.upr.clu.edu

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