[CQ-Contest] ARRL SSB Contest

Tom Wylie wylie at colloquium.co.uk
Tue Feb 25 00:18:37 EST 1997

I will be active during the Contest as

            G M 7 X and you may QSL either direct or via the buro

to my home call  G M 4 F D M.       I have 3,000 cards in the process of
going out for last year as G M 6 X.   If you need a card for that just be 
All direct cards have been answered and buro cards are just going out...

If anyone is interested other GM short calls may be QSL'd as

GM6C  =   via GM0AZC
GM6Z = try via GM3YTS
GM6R = via GM0NAI
GM6V = via GM4CXM

regards to all - check my UK Contesting on-line page for UK rules and results
at  http://users.colloquium.co.uk/~wylie/home.htm

73 de tom

Colloquium Internet

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