[CQ-Contest] Contest Ethics

Randy Thompson k5zd at ultranet.com
Tue Feb 25 22:02:03 EST 1997

While I wasn't thrilled with the crowding around the edges of the DX window, it was certainly not unexpected.  This is an extremely desirable part of the band to be CQing in.  The rules are also not clear on how an SSB signal is interpreted as being "in" the window.  

I wonder if the complaints against the W2GD operation would be as vocal if it had been 3, or 6, or 25 different stations that held that same frequency over the course of the weekend?

We can a) eliminate the window, b) make it wider, c) terminate the contest.

Randy, K5ZD

-----Original Message-----
From:	Roger D. Johnson [SMTP:n1rj at ime.net]
Sent:	Tuesday, February 25, 1997 5:24 PM
To:	Contest Reflector
Subject:	[CQ-Contest] Contest Ethics

I used to enjoy contesting on 160m. It seems that the "Gentlemans Band"
has died a tragic death with the appearance of the "Big Gun" contest
station with their "win at all costs" attitude.
 This past weekend, W2GD sat just above the DX window for most of the
contest rendering the top 2khz useless for working weak sigs. I am 
getting tired of this style of operating with it's "screw you" attitude.
 Today, I wrote a letter to CQ magazing demanding that they disqualify
W2GD for unsportsmanlike conduct in accordance with their own rules. I
doubt seriously that anything will be done as the contest sponsors seem
to have no backbone when it come to standing up to rules infractions. To
sweeten the pot, I told them to either do the right thing or cancel my
subscription and refund the balance. The ONE thing they DO understand
is money! I urge all of you who want to put a stop to this kind of 
operating to write to CQ and make your feelings known. If you are also
a subscriber, tell them to either enforce their rules or you will pull
your subscription. Together we can make a difference!

73, Roger N1RJ

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