[CQ-Contest] FT-1000MP Mods/Filters?

John O'Mara jomara at pdi-wdc.com
Wed Feb 26 15:59:59 EST 1997

Hello All,  I still haven't sold my TS-690S/AT but my wife told me to go
ahead and buy the FT-1000MP that I have been asking for over the past
several months.  She must have taken the hint from the 1000MP ad I had on
the refrigerator.  I ordered it this morning and it should be here on
Thursday.  If all goes well I'll have it on for the ARRL DX Phone this
weekend.  Now some questions.  Those of you that own this radio if you could
pass along any info regarding the mods you have performed and the filters
you have installed.  I know it comes standard with a Collins Mechanical
filter but you can add other filter in the other IF spots plus in the sub
receiver.  Are there any Fox Tango filters that can be used?  With regard to
any mods, if you could point me in the proper direction for documentation I
would appreciate it.  I'm looking forward to a number of years with a radio
that has a good receiver.  73, Jack W4NF

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