Happy New Year, y'all

Wed Jan 1 00:18:22 EST 1997

K7LXC at aol.com wrote:
>     What are you doing reading this email?  You're supposed to be out
> celebrating the arrival of the New Year.  Please turn off your computer and
> get out there!!
>     Happy New Year to all and best wishes for health, prosperity and big
> signals for all in 1997.
>                 Steve    K7LXC
hey, happy new yr urself steve and thanks for the many words of
advice...hope youre working on that book!

>From jfunk at adams.net (jim funk)  Wed Jan  1 00:52:09 1997
From: jfunk at adams.net (jim funk) (jim funk)
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 18:52:09 -0600
Subject: squINT
Message-ID: <9701010052.AA22805 at golden.adams.net>

Hey gang,
        Is we squINTing or is we ain't???
        Having heard nothing more about it, I'm assuming there is NOT going 
to be a squINT on January 1.
        I would propose a squINT be held on Saturday, January 4, on 20m SSB, 
14.240-14.270, from 2100 to 2300 UTC, with squINTers exchanging callsign, 
name, age, state/province/country, and favorite pet's name (make one up if 
you don't have a pet).  I'll volunteer to compile some sort of report to 
post to the reflector unless whoever has done it in the past still wants the 
        OK, embrace, modify or trash the idea.  I'm not trying to run the 
show, just trying to get it going; and I know some of you who usually push 
this one have been awfully busy.
        73, Jim N9JF
"The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to 
appear."  Socrates

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