February 97 QST and CQ Contest arrive; survey results
HENRYPOL at aol.com
HENRYPOL at aol.com
Tue Jan 14 20:30:49 EST 1997
Made a quick stop by the PO box this morning on the way to work and found the
Feb. 97 issues of QST and CQ Contest.
Front cover photo of some nice towers and antennas at LU4FM.
Contest related items: Wire Gain Antennas for 6 Meters (may be worth trying
on lower bands); Results - 96 IARU HF World Championship; and :-) 160 Meter
Roving During the Stew Perry Challenge - clandestine use of cellular
telephone towers! :-) (just kidding, really!)
Other interesting items: See the Signals You Hear - PC-based Audio Spectrum
Analyzers; Are Radios More Expensive Today?; Results of the WRC-99 Opinion
Survey (re Morse code requirement); and Product Reviews - Yaesu FT-600 HF
transceiver and Down East Microwave 6 Meter Transverter Kit.
Ads: Kenwood TS570S (another version of the 570D that includes 6 meters @
100W); Toronto Surplus & Scientific has a 2 page ad with some great
commercial HF and Collins ham equipment (30L1s at $245!); and Back issues of
QST on CD should now be available back to 1975, with more to come in 97.
Front cover photo of PI4COM's towers and antennas (not as pretty background
scenary as on QST cover). From the looks of the plants/trees (all brown)
they must be putting out a lot of RF! Details (fine print a'la CQ) are
hidden in what looks like an advertisement on page 29.
Feature articles: A Finer View of the 95 CQWW - Another Pass Through the
Data Reveals New Information; The Battle of the Hams (reprint of the infamous
Sports Illustrated article from 6/30/58 with additional background info); The
Great Circle Map (with views of the world from various locations and
Regular columns: Up The Tower - Rotators - Orion OR-2800, Yaesu line,
Create, Emotator, and Prop-Pitches; Operating Techniques - "To CQ or Not to
CQ, That is the Question"; Contest Breakdown - Contesting in Aland; Monthly
Collectible - Solar Activity; In The Beginning - The TM2Y Story; Continential
Countdown - The IT9ZGY Story, Tuning Inside a Narrow CW Filter, Why I
Contest, and LP Operation From Spain; and Conversation With I2UIY.
I received 23 responses to my request for input on continuing these postings.
Twenty (20) of you indicated that I should continue, while only 3 said STOP.
Thanks for the additional notes and comments. Thanks to the following for
responding - VE6JY, VE6SH, KE3QZ, K4RO, KB7RTA, W9SZ, N0IMD, ZL1ANJ, WT3K,
K6AW, KF4HK, N6NT, & WZ3Q.
73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
henrypol at aol.com
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