Spike's "mouth"
WN9JAT at aol.com
WN9JAT at aol.com
Fri Jan 24 21:16:11 EST 1997
Hi Ken,
Actually I believe that Spike's comments were the best part
of this Tempest in a Teapot. Life is a little short to lack a sense
of humor.
73 Jerry K9MY
>From kl7y at Alaska.NET (Dan Robbins) Sat Jan 25 04:24:51 1997
From: kl7y at Alaska.NET (Dan Robbins) (Dan Robbins)
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 19:24:51 -0900 (AKST)
Subject: A Great Call
Message-ID: <199701250424.TAA16666 at calvino.alaska.net>
At 09:06 AM 1/23/97 -0500, you wrote:
>This one is starting to look real good, I'm really enjoying
>it and I just have to AH0RN in, it's just too good to pass up!
>Dan: I'm sorry Jim, but what you say is a bunch of AH0HEY!
>Jim: You called me a used car salesman, but your an AH0LE!
>Dan: Well your just AH0NKY, so go suck a pineapple!
>Jim: Oh Ya, Well your just AH0MO, go piss on a glacier!
>Dan: Well your AL0NE on this one and you should put
> your brain in gear before thinking AL0UD!
>Jim: You better get AH0LD of yourself, just because you
> live in the dark 24 hours a day, doesn't mean you
> can give me AH0SE job!
>Dan: Well I'm glad AH0RDE of JA's scarfed up all the good
> Hawaiian calls, yours is such AL0SER!
>Jim: Well matey, your boats leaving the port, I'll end
> this one wishing you bonvoyage and ships AH0Y!
>dr. Bafoofnik
>p.s., well I guess I'll be missing two mults this weekend!
Let's see, we have guys who make up phony radio clubs to get special vanity
calls. We have those who do tricks with addresses to get a special vanity
call. Now we have guys with CB handles assessing the situation.
Dr. Buffoon-ick, go P1SS up a R0PE. There's a couple calls you missed.
Thank God there's a contest this weekend to purge this looniness from our
Dan KL7Y
>From kt4ld at juno.com (ANDREW H LEWIS) Sat Jan 25 04:25:06 1997
From: kt4ld at juno.com (ANDREW H LEWIS) (ANDREW H LEWIS)
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 23:25:06 EST
Subject: Spike's "mouth"
References: <970124192311_1378859839 at emout18.mail.aol.com>
Message-ID: <19970125.002903.10879.8.KT4LD at juno.com>
I am young and don't want to cause any social unrest amongst my elders
but allow me as young 16 year old to say something. This is not a flame
to anyone at all nor do beleive in any one persone more than another. I
just want to have an end to flamming as it is ridiculous. If you have to
feel the urge to flame, flame in public although I don't beleive in any
flaming at all. As someone said a long time ago and I think you know who
said it "Can't we all just get along?" Let's set and lead by example to
our youngsters who follow our every move; don't lead by aggression. All
it does is make someone else mad at you and they'll remeber you even in
the next contest. Don't you want his points? So please, let's act like
the hams I know you guys are. Again, I am directing this at those who
flame but I will not say their name. For the record, I don't know whoose
right, Jim or Bob nor do I care. I just like to see everyone treat other
people with respect.
Remember the golden rule "act to others as you would like to have others
act unto you." Sound familiar. I am not trying to start a riot, just
asking for some common decency. Let's rise above all this guys. Good luck
to everyone in the 160 test this weekemd; I won't be in it because I
don't have an antenna for that band yet. Take care.
>From aa0cy at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us (ROBERT WANDERER) Sat Jan 25 04:57:26 1997
From: aa0cy at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us (ROBERT WANDERER) (ROBERT WANDERER)
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 20:57:26 -0800
Subject: Animosity about A Great Call
Message-ID: <01BC0A39.D7457BC0 at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us>
Why does the FCC have the resources for this and not all the malicious =
interfernce and other downright illegal operating practices (foul =
language, etc.) occurring on the bands these days?
Sounds like the police who go after the speeder who's 5MPH over the =
limit and ignore those who are 20 over 'cause the former are easier and =
safer to catch! 73, Bob AA0CY
From: Jim Reid[SMTP:jreid at aloha.net]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 1997 3:39 PM
Cc: cq-contest at tgv.com
Subject: Re: Animosity about A Great Call
At 04:53 PM 1/24/97 -0500, you wrote:
>As you can see from below the matter is under investigation. All I=20
>have to do now is find the KL7's address again to pass this along
>Subject: AL0HA Call Sign
">Section 1.5 of the Commission's Rules requires licensees to furnish=20
>an address through which they can receive mail. Since correspondence
>sent to the Alaska address was apparently delivered, the address is
>apparently valid. If you have any information indicating that the=20
>licensee of AL0HA cannot receve mail at the Alaska address,
>please let us know."
(Original signed by Thomas D Fitz-Gibbon, Attorney, Enforcement
So what is the problem, Bob. Sam, KH6AFS, owns the property
on Ross up there, visits it regularly and has received the club
license via the US Postal System. Sounds as if all is just fine to
me, if the above is the only possible problem with the club
license of which KH6B is the trustee.
Hope you are quite pleased with your actions about this issue.
73, Jim, KH7M
>From HWDX09A at prodigy.com ( ROBERT REED) Sat Jan 25 01:17:31 1997
From: HWDX09A at prodigy.com ( ROBERT REED) ( ROBERT REED)
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 20:17:31, -0500
Subject: Animosity about A Great Call
Message-ID: <199701250117.UAA58102 at mime4.prodigy.com>
Jim KH7M,
For several years while working in Washington I was quite active with
the FCC. Many of the FCC functions are contracted out due to budget
constraints and manpower limitations.
My only part in the questioning was to present to an aquaintance the
comments of KL7HF and ask his opinion. His opinion was to forward it
to the Enforcement Division where it was not rejected but assigned to
a lawyer to be reviewed.
If you are so very disturbed that KL7HF could question the matter
than why not ask him for a copy of his comments to the FCC. He has
voiced the complaint, NOT ME.
He does have very interesting information including the resident of
the address listed which is not an amateur radio operator. Just as
you are unhappy of it being questioned, so is he on what he views as
an abuse of the Vanity process.
Get the fcats directly from him at seay at alaska.net
73, Bob Reed, W2CE
1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109
Toms River, New Jersey 08757
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