E-Mail ADD for NAQP SSB Logs ?

KB5YVT at aol.com KB5YVT at aol.com
Mon Jan 27 09:11:25 EST 1997

The old address of merchant at crl.com doesn't seem to work anymore?  Can
someone give me his new address for E-log submission?

Thanks mike k5nz

please send to me direct.

>From kn6dv at qnet.com (Will, KN6DV)  Mon Jan 27 14:23:14 1997
From: kn6dv at qnet.com (Will, KN6DV) (Will, KN6DV)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 14:23:14 -0000
Subject: SCCC SPRINTers needed!
Message-ID: <199701271429.GAA14720 at ns2.qnet.com>

Phone SPRINT is Feb. 1st and CW SPRINT is Feb 8th.

Please send me a note if you would like to be on a team.
Thanks 73 Will,  KN6DV
Vice President SCCC

kn6dv at contesting.com


Unless the reformer can invent something which substitutes attractive
virtues for attractive vices, he will fail.
(Walter Lippmann)

>From k4ma at mindspring.com (Jim Stevens)  Mon Jan 27 14:53:22 1997
From: k4ma at mindspring.com (Jim Stevens) (Jim Stevens)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 09:53:22 -0500
Subject: PVRC SPRINTers needed
Message-ID: <199701271451.JAA29046 at mule1.mindspring.com>

Feb 2 at 0Z is Phone Sprint and Feb 9 at 0Z is
CW Sprint.  Anyone interested in being on a
PVRC Sprint team, please e-mail me.

73, Jim Stevens, K4MA (ex KI4HN)
e-mail: k4ma at mindspring.com
www: http://www.mindspring.com/~k4ma

>From jjelect at fgi.net (Skip Riba)  Mon Jan 27 15:22:52 1997
From: jjelect at fgi.net (Skip Riba) (Skip Riba)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 09:22:52 -0600
Subject: question
Message-ID: < at fgi.net>

hi does anyone have the address for the   3830 posting page  thanks   skip
ws9v   thanks to all that worked me in the contest 

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Mon Jan 27 15:29:33 1997
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:29:33 -0400
Subject: CQ 160 CW 97 Scores I
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>

Raw Scores

Compiled by WA4ZXA
<floydjr at interpath.com)

Date Posted 01/27/97

CALL             HRS         SCORE       Q'S       PTS    ST/VE    DX


K3WWP              8          6,300      117       252          25
KD1IA              7          1,768       74       168      73      1


GM3YOR            20        742,176      988      6872      47     61
G0IVZ             22        508,434      812      5034      43     58
VE9AA             24        455,712      784      4512      54     47
LA9GX             10        166,026      458      2478       9     58
PA3DMH             9         67,536      222      1206       8     48

AA8U                        254,600      815      2546      56     44
KM3T              22        243,360      702      2535      54     42 
K3JT              14        123,570      459                55     35
N5UL              21         87,975      463                54     21
K2ONP                        59,283      281       941      43     20
N5LZ              10         51,430      223       695      49     25
K7OX              11         32,648      238       583      45     11


K2KQ              27         81,326      419      1099      49     25
AB1U              12         80,676      314       996      49     32
KJ9C              12         48,739      339       799      49     12
K9WIE              8         45,506      305       746      51     10
WO4O               9         21,887      237       509      40      3
WA7UQV                        8,052      102                    33
W0MU                            705       22                15      0


LY2ZZ (LY2BTA)              506,979      856                32     67
JH9VSF/9                        438       16                 3      3

W0CED                       297,648      930      2862      57     47
N0NI                        249,504      957                    96
NQ4I              26        241,800      820      2418      57     43
AA4V                        201,500      710                57     43
K9BG              18        175,400      560                57     40
AA3B                        143,376      627      1648      55     32
K4OJ                        139,026      501                    94 


AB5SE             17         51,420      383       857      53      7
KK5GT             11         24,429      208       479      47      4

Multi Opertor List

K40J          N0AX,WC4E,W1CW,W1YL
AA4V          AA4V,N4SF
N0NI          N0NI,N0AC,W0FLS
NQ4I          NQ4I,K4BAI,K2UFT


NO ATTACHEMENTS !!!! I will not post attached scores.

Do not post any scores to the Contest Reflector, only to me direct or to 
the 3830 reflector. 

These are NOT OFFICIAL SCORES so do not send me logs or anything like a 
log. I am on affilated with the CQ Mag or the contest committee.

Remember if I get any scores with only Single Op or no class on it I will
put you in Single Op High Power.

I realize there is not such class as MultiOP/LP. It is only for the guys
who want to see how they placed against each other.

73  Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Mon Jan 27 15:29:40 1997
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:29:40 -0400
Subject: NAQP SSB Jan 97 Scores IV
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>


Compiled by: WA4ZXA
<floydjr at interpath.com)

Date Posted: 01/27/97

CALL               SCORE        QSOS        MULTI


K6LL              244,674       1242         197 
N4ZZ              195,412        997         196
KW8N              188,513        853         221
AA8U              184,300        970         190
N9ITX/7           177,415        959         185
W6KY              168,165        909         185
K7UP (W5FX)       167,854        943         178
KE3Q              165,912        892         186
K4VUD             159,528        867         184
K3CR (KB3AFT)     149,776        814         184
K5OT              148,925        805         185
K5NZ              148,764        759         196
N4BP              144,000       1000         144 
W8MJ              142,920        794         180
N5TU              141,069        797         177
K4NO              129,417        723         179
WA0ETC            119,641        661         181
K4MA (@AA4NC)     119,540        695         172
WC4E              119,479        733         163
WA1LNP            118,169        700         169
WA7BNM            115,370        695         166
KT4ZX             113,031        661         171
K0RC              112,752        696         162
K6BZ              108,281        779         139
W6EEN             107,954        701         154
WA4ZXA            107,200        670         160
W6TKF             107,074        682         157
K4RO              105,000        600         175
N6HC              105,300        675         154
AB5SE             104,625        675         155
K4RO              104,400        600         174
N7LOX             104,328        644         162
KN4T               98,049        667         147
K5BN               97,500        650         150
K4WW               90,750        550         165
W5ASP              87,000        580         150
K5DX               78,384        552         152
WT1O               77,250        512         150
K4CU (@KA9EKJ)     74,632        491         152
K9MY               69,350        475         146
K0EJ               68,101        451         151
K8BK               67,000        500         134
KK7A               66,429        549         121
K1VUT              66,308        484         137
WO4O               65,712        444         148
KK1L               65,540        452         145
K1SD               62,064        431         144
VE7CFD             55,998        549         102
WA3SES             55,470        430         129
KK5GT              53,055        405         131
K1NO               53,040        442         120
KO7X               48,251        427         113
K9WIE              44,409        339         131
KG8CW              44,149        371         119
WD9HTC             44,080        380         116
KA9FOX (@K9MA)     44,000        400         110
N0AXL              42,713        353         121
K4HQ/QRP           41,151        319         129
VE6IM              40,950        390         105
WB0OLA             39,528        324         122
N3IXR              38,100        300         127
NK4P               37,526        308         122
N9YXA              36,064        322         112
W7ZRC              33,988        293         116
KD3GC              33,858        342          99
N5WD               32,718        287         114
KE4RHU             30,528        318          96
KS4XG              29,900        260         115
N4OKX              28,000        280         100
KG5U               26,426        362          73
N5LZ               24,378        239         102
NJ8F               24,210        269          90
N5AV (KN5H)        22,246        227          98
WA8YRS             22,213        229          97
N4UL               21,900        219         104
N4CW               21,000        200         105
N7IN               20,839        229          91
K8MR               20,280        195          84
VE6DBH             19,197        243          79
AC8E               16,465        185          89
AE0M               15,276        201          76
K1TO/4             14,863        167          89
N9CO               14,364        171          84
KC4ZHQ             12,402        159          78
K1HT               12,213        177          69
K4AT               11,928        168          71
W9RM/M             11,340        140          81
K9PW               10,287        127          81
W4PA                9,558        141          68
KR4YL               9,054        135          67
KK5LO               8,710        130          67
N8TR                7,540        116          65
W9WI                5,800        100          58
K1ZO                5,445         99          55
K8RM                4,896        104          48
NY3C                3,285         73          45
W8AH                2,325         75          31
WA1CFS              1,560         65          24
AD1C                1,334         46          29
N9GG                  378         27          14


KS9K              453,348       1764         257
K5TR (@W5KFT)     404,435       1721         235
W4WA              333,450       1482         225
NK7U              327,140       1487         220
N0NI              289,492       1375         211
KF9YT             191,268        966         198
WB5M               57,856        512         113
N5KB               29,380        260         113
KB3A               18,837        207          91

Team Scores

TDXS Team #1                   498,685
Kentucky CG Team L             190,104
Mad Rover Radio Club            50,506

Operator List

N0NI         N0NI,N0AC,W0FLS
K5TR         K5TR,N5KA
W4WA         W4WA,N9HZQ,K0DI
KS9K         WE9V,K9PG
NK7U         NK7U,K7ZO,K7MK
KF9YT        KF9YT,N9VVV



73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From Frank at grossmann.com (Frank Grossmann [DL1SBR])  Mon Jan 27 16:21:37 1997
From: Frank at grossmann.com (Frank Grossmann [DL1SBR]) (Frank Grossmann [DL1SBR])
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 17:21:37 +0100
Subject: 160m Test 599+location ??
Message-ID: < at apollo>

Due to uninformed operators the first 250 QSOs in our log were not logged
with the full location information.
Instead they "trusted" CT to automatically attach this information.
Actually CT only calculates the score + multipliers right but does not
attach the location exchange.

I now entered the missing data by hand. But: how should I know what 
people exactly transmitted ?

About half the OK's sent "OK" while the other half transmitted "CZ".
HB9s gave us "CH", "HB" and "HB9"!

Pretty confusing, isn't it...

And this goes to K4JRB: Will I get any points deducted if the location 
exchange was not entered correctly as transmitted ?

Frank DL1SBR

(DK0SU in 160m test... anybody remember how our signals were in USA/VE ??)
Dipl.-Kaufm. Frank Grossmann   frank at grossmann.com    [DL1SBR]
Grossmann EDV-Beratung, Stuttgart     http://www.grossmann.com

>From Edward.B.Luers at jpl.nasa.gov (Edward B Luers)  Mon Jan 27 18:02:37 1997
From: Edward.B.Luers at jpl.nasa.gov (Edward B Luers) (Edward B Luers)
Date: 27 Jan 1997 10:02:37 -0800
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <00C7F32ECEDBD09C*/c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/o=jpl/ou=ccmail/s=Luers/g=Edward/i=B/@MHS>


>From andriusi at siauliai.omnitel.net (Andrius Ignotas)  Mon Jan 27 22:08:08 1997
From: andriusi at siauliai.omnitel.net (Andrius Ignotas) (Andrius Ignotas)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 22:08:08 GMT
Subject: Re 599+location
Message-ID: <199701272208.WAA12150 at pikuolis.omnitel.net>

hello Frank,

The same problem. I did this correction after contest.

K5xxx =599OK

in contest rules must be marked that number to send consist 
of RS(T)+country main prefix (sample:OK1 SM1 DL1 LY1 etc)


>From sales at tentec.com (Ten-Tec Inc.)  Mon Jan 27 15:44:07 1997
From: sales at tentec.com (Ten-Tec Inc.) (Ten-Tec Inc.)
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 15:44:07 Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Lost in the shuffle??
Message-ID: <19970127154407.9e7ad8b3.in at mvangel.com>

Overlooked in all the yelling about Alaskan and Hawaiian 
vanity club calls was this tidbit:

KG7FU writes:

>> The use of a friends address, condo, hotel or whatever is not more=20
>> ethical to me that a mult transmitter calling CQ - both are not the=20
>> intentions of what was presented but an abuse of the system.=20

>What's unethical about a mult? The operations I have been a part
>of have allowed me to operate when the club station would have
>otherwise been busy if it were a single op. I guess Field Day is

I'm...slowly...cranking my mechanical can opener to get these worms
out...here comes:

It's not a multi operator effort that was being referred to.

The way the rules are written for a few contests (CQ WW comes to mind),
you may use a second transmitter in a multi-single effort to hunt
multipliers with, provided both transmitters are not on the air at 
the same time.  This is perfectly legit.

Unfortunately, some folks call CQ on this second transmitter,
and then log any non-multiplier contacts made as zero points while
doing so.  It is definitely outside the intention of the rules, but
by reading the rules to the letter it is permissible.  It is claimed
that this *can* be strategically advantageous.   

Whether or not it is "ethical" is an entirely different matter.  

Scott Robbins, W4PA


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